Day 15 🌱

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I had a small headache nothing big, some tingles too for atleast one subliminal (not even a long one lmao)

Perhaps, i jump higher, this is only a theory lmao maybe i just became little taller but let me explain

So to get my biscuits, cakes and cocoa powder i have to open a cabinet that way higher than i am (and i'm SMOL), normally i would take a chair to take the cocoa powder which is on the higher shelf (and once again, IM sMoL) but today for some weird reason i wanted to jump and get it (it just came like that, don't why)

So i jumped and tried to get my cocoa powder, i didn't do it on the first try--

But i did get on the second ✌

Normally i don't think i could do it, IM REALLY NOT SURE LMAO, i'm just writing just in case i was right you know

I think it was yesterday or a few days before i had a dream, and i didn't think i should write it because it didn't seem linked to frogs or kaeru in anyways

but i'm going to write what i think could be important to know

I was floating on dirty water (idk what it is in english-- 🗿), which is where frogs and lily pads (?) are !

Well not floating floating, i was on metal cage but i was still floating on a frog habitat

Like i said maybe it's linked, maybe not 👁👄👁

Last thing, i saw 12:12 on the clock today, which if i remember correctly means to think positive, have faith and continue dreaming and trying because you're on the right path (there's more to it but i have a bad memory 🤡)

Ow i was about to end this here, but for a second i felt like my head was filled with rocks but meh didn't last long

bye bye~~

good day/night 🥺

ps : my head feels itchy ;-;, i want to know if i'm starting to have bumps on my head but my hair is way too 


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