DAY 30
🌌 Well there was the infamous tingles that happened like most of the time
I also noticed when i was doing my hair that near the bumps its really sensitive like just putting my hand near it HURTS
The sides of my head are currentely in pain lmao not a bad pain but enough to be considered pain-- 🗿🌊 I saw a lot of angel numbers that say 'change will occur in your life' and especially 111 a lot ! Like i just wanted to listen to Dreamcatcher's new song and the views we're 111k and dislikes we're 111. And i now have 111 instagram followers ? So much more 111. (as im writing this i just saw 111 words 👁👄👁)
💤 Thats it, as you can see im trying stuff with the way i write my entrys meh it'll probably change a lot so dont mind it
Good day/night 💃💕
mythical to be 💌💦
No Ficciónended 7.08.2020 Just my very hopeful adventure to becoming who i truly want to be ⚘