Glory days

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~chapter forty three~


"Thanks for the ride." I get off Tiago's bike.

"You know today's optional right? The day before graduation you have no class."

"I know." I roll my eyes "I just," I shrug "it's my last day."

"Don't get sentimental with me" he laughs and I shove him.

"I gotta go," I tell him "I'll see you later." I go in for a hug warping my arms around him. I pull away going inside.

I don't even need to go to my locker since I emptied it out earlier this week so I go to Kate's which is where I find Ali too. "You look good." Kate compliments me.

"Thank you." I smile.

"I got some things to return and I have to empty out my locker."

"As usual you always do it last minute." Ali shakes her head at Kate.

"Can we just go to the library." Kate rolls her eyes walking away, we follow close behind her to the library and she walks inside. Ali and I hang around outside the library making small talk.

"How's you and Liam?" I ask her.

"We're actually doing pretty good, he's taking me out to a dinner date after prom and graduation."

"That's so cute, I see he's making you a little soft."

"He isn't." She pushes me "Your one to talk! You get all tongue tied when Karter's around."

"I so don't." I chuckle.

"Believe what you want." She smiles as Kate walks out the library with all her books still in her hands.

"I have to pay sixteen dollars fee." Kate whines.

"What the hell? How long have you had these books."

"Since I was a freshman,"

"You live in a mansion with a very rich dad and you don't have sixteen dollars?"

She turns to me ignoring Ali's comment "do me a solid. Please."

My eyes shift form her to Aliya's and I give in "Fine." I take the books from her hands and go in the library. "Hi I would like to return these for a friend."

The librarian takes the books and stars scanning them, she looks up at me and I give her a small smile. "Sixteen dollar fee."

"I got it." I take a twenty out form my pockets and give it to her. She takes the money and looks for change.

"Give me two seconds."

"No," I stop her "it's okay. Keep the change" I smile "have a great summer." I leave meeting Kate and Ali in the hall.

"I owe you one." Kate says and we keep walking towards the cafeteria. We sit in our normal table and Kate starts tapping on her phone and Ali starts scrolling, I decide to open up a reading app and start something.

When the bell rings kids start pouring in for lunch and I go get us a try of snacks and three pizza slices. "Ah our last dry school pizza." Ali takes her slice.

"I need to talk to you guys about something," I take a bite out my pizza "Karter asked me to go with him right and I said no, but I have a feeling that the next time her asks I won't have a choice."

I look up at them "I um, I just wanted you guys to know that I didn't go missing or get kidnapped and that I'm probably with Karter. Umm you guys mean the world to me and wouldn't trade this for anything."

"You guys are my sisters," I continue "and I would hate myself if I drag you guys any deeper so I won't ask you to come with me. I know this ain't it and yeah...I love you guys."

"You bitch." Kate's voice breaks and I look up to her tearing up "Come here." She sniffs and I get up sitting in the middle of them. They hug me tight and I can tell they don't want to leg to.

"We love you," Ali says then lets go "but his is too much emotion for me." She makes us laugh and I wipe my tears away.

"I know your doing what you think is best for you so, if you ever need us even if it's form something as small as a pad or a tampon please call and come get it." Kate's wipes her tears.

"Okay I need to go get my hair done," I stand up and get my bag then I walk away and go through the entrance door and to the bus stop.

I takes a total of four hours to wash, condition, dry and braid my hair. I leave the hairdresser at 5:35 and take the bus home.

When I'm inside I go to my closet and put all my prom things in a bag, except for the dress obviously. I hear the front door open and I make my way downstairs.

"Hey dad," I smile to him.

"Oh you got your hair done." He says admiring me.

"Yeah, tomorrow I graduate."

"Yes you do." Tiago walks in from the living room. I didn't even see him when I came in.

"I'm so proud of you Melody, and your mother would be too." Dad hugs me and I look over at Tiago then close my eyes enjoying he embrace.

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