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~chapter twenty nine~


His hands are to die for. At least now I know what they're for, I smile to myself. Is that like a day light ring? What happens when I take it off? Or when he takes it off?

"What happens when you take that off?" I ask him nodding to his ring.

"I turn into a car." A small smile plays on his lips.

"Haha" I say sarcastically.

After school is finally out I make my way to the bus stop and sit down and wait patiently for the bus to come. I put ear plugs in my ear and blast some Billie.

I see the bus approaching but my song gets interrupted by a text message and I stand waiting for the bus to move closer.

Karter: Come to the football pitch.

I read Karter's text messages. How does he know I'm still here? I look around and see no sign of him. I smile down at my phone and find my feet moving in the direction of the football pitch.

I take the long way around walking around all the school buildings until I see the pitch in view. The school seems way more quite then I'm use too as I make my way to the entrance of the pitch.

I go in and sit inside the booth where the guys usually huddle up to talk game but all that's here is their stuff. I pick up Karter dark blue Nike bag and put it on my lap so I can sit down.

I watch the guys pass the football around as their coach screams positions and instructions at them. I watch Karter run into position and catch the ball in the air then keep running until he makes a touchdown.

I open my phone and go into my contacts and call Ali and Kate in a group call. "Hey"

"Hey what's up" Aliya says.

"I need someone to cover for me." I tell her.

"Oh? You doing the dirty with your man?" Kate asks.

"No. I'm just watching him play."

"Bitch no way! Where you at?" Kate says.

"I'm in the booth, why?" I ask but I don't get an answer "anyways...If my dad does call in to ask just say I'm with Kate or something."

"Bitch why me?" Kate says making Ali giggle.

"Because." I look around "That's all thanks."

"Wait, I'm on my way too you." Kate pitches in.

"Your at school?"

"Her boyfriend wanted her to stay behind to watch." Ali mocks.

"I was in the cafeteria studying-" Ali breaking into laughter cuts Kate off "I was...well I started then got distracted but that not the point."

"Right." Ali says.

"Alright I'm at the entrance."

"I'm like two minutes away." Ali says.

"Bitch what?" Kate says and I can hear her form a distance "What do you mean by two minutes away?"

"Liam invited me and I was like I got a music thing after school but I'll come."

"Oh yeah, your music exam thing." Kate comes into view and gives me a bright smile "Hey you." She hangs up giving me a hug.

"I'm here." Ali hangs up and quick comes into view.

"What the hell did you do? Run?" Kate hugs her and sits down putting Cal's things on her lap and Ali does the same thing with Liam's stuff.

I scroll through my contacts and tap on my dads contact calling him but it goes straight to voicemail. Thank God. "Hey dad, I'm with Kate and Ali and probably won't make it home till late so don't stay up for me. Bye I love you." I hang up.

"Would you guys fuck on your period?" Kate asks out of no where.

"Um, isn't that messy?"

"Not if your in the shower. Shower sex is always good." She says.

"Shower sex is definitely good." Ali agree making me chuckle.

"I find it uncomfortable, I mean like-" I cant help but start laughing "if one of you fall...your going down together"

"Isn't it better when he like has you pinned and he just fucks you aggressively?" Kate asks.

"Definitely better"

"Okay we're not gonna talk about shower sex." I but in.

"I just want some dick" Kate whines "I mean that's the whole reason I'm with him right? But no, turns out he has shit going on and dick is not an option."

"That sucks." Ali laughs.

"I wish I had something to suck."

"Okay now your just a horny mess." I chuckle.

"Ladies!" I hear, what sounds like Cal, shout. We turn to him and he signals us over. Kate's the first to stand and puts his things down jumping the fence to get on the pitch. Ali does the same leaving the the last to jump over.

We walk over to them and my heart skips a beat when Karter takes off his helmet revealing his hair soaked in sweat.

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