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~chapter twenty seven~


I close my eyes and think about the moment Karter took me to the fun fair park and it started raining. My hand moves in memory of the night, the hug, the talks and the super cliche moments.

I open my eyes not realizing that they're were closed for so long. "Now that's impressive." Harry's sounds impressed.

I've drawn a rough sketch of two figures in the rain surrounded by a dark theme park. There're hugging, the guy has dark hair and his arms warped around the girl protectively.

Where as the girl has her head buried in the guys chest. How did I draw a memory with my eyes closed?

"Good question." Harry says.


"Well you asked yourself how you drew a memory with your eyes closed. That must be you with Karter I assume, not everyone has sexy hair like that." I scrunch my face still confused "and that's definitely not me." He continues.

"Wait a minute, you can hear my thoughts?" I ask.

"Oh?" He says a little surprised "of course not," he chuckles nervously "you were thinking out loud" he try's covering his tracks.

"Nice try but I know your a vampire."

"Then why the hell you so surprised that I can hear your thoughts?" When he sees me reaction he realizes that I honestly didn't know.

"Well damn. It doesn't work like that, only when we're alone or it's really quite. Back to your drawing trick."

I look down at my work staring at the familiar couple. The bell rings telling us it's time to go and get ready for our next period and I pack me things leaving Harry.

"I guess I'll see you around." I hear him say behind me but I keep going. I get my things ready for my next period then sit in my seat at the back.

I look outside at the brightness lighting up the day. Everything looks clam and beautiful. Kids rush to their lessons until one by one disappear into different buildings until there's no one left.

I try pay attention to my lesson but I can't help but keep looking out side to watch the wind make the flowers dance with it.

Should I go to the festival then stay at the beach house? I mean, what's so bad about it? But do I really want to be alone with Karter? Talking about Karter I remember the drawing.

I bring out my sketchbook and imagine Karter in front of me. How his eyes turn red when he's around me, his soft pink lips, how his hair hangs on his forehead. My hand starts to move in time with the each detail I remember.

I open my eyes to see a detailed drawing of Karter. Impressive.

When the lunch bell rings, I make my way to Ali and Katlin with a try of food in my hands. I take a cookie form the tray and take a bite sitting down to join them.

"So about the beach thing," Kate starts "I swear it will be fun."

"Okay." I take another bite into my cookie.

"Okay?" Kate looks at Aliya a little confused.

"Okay!" Ali smiles leaving it at that "sooo" she looks over at me.

"Oh my gosh yes! What happened." Now Kate's hooked.

"What happened after the whole brother thing?"

"You guys saw that?" I ask.

"It's hard to miss some hot brotherly tension." Kate smiles.

"I mean, we just talked and then a topic of dominance came up- and um." I can't help my melt down and feel tingle of excitement down there. I look up at Cal's table to see Karter listening to Liam talk.

I scan his body form his black trainers to the top of his head. "Did you guys... you know?" Kate asks.


"Did he give you a vanilla ice cream?" Ali says and I sit quite not able to respond. Vanilla a code for fingering or head that we made up so we can talk about this around people.

"No way!" Kate looks back at Karter then back at me "Did he use his mouth?"

"No." I shake my head.

"Lucky you" Ali shoves me playfully.

"Yeah whatever" I look back up Karter to find him already staring swapping me with butterflies. His eyes shift away but make their way back to me, he gets up keeping the eye contact then walks out the cafeteria.

I watch him leave as he pushes pass the double doors. "I um, need to go pee." I put my cookie down "I'll be right back." I get up and move towards the double doors he left in.

I try follow him out but loose him quickly, I turn around to see no sign of him. I turn back around to see him smirking by the entrance, I move to him. "Princess." He smiles opening the door for him.

I lead the way but turn to face him.

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