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After Christmas holidays, it was miserable at Hogwarts except for the rebellion. The Ministry was placing my parents on probation, just because they associated with Dumbledore and the rest. In fact, they actually fired the Divination bat, and replaced her with a centaur, from what Harry had shared.

Umbridge herself had given up on detention, but she claimed that she would find out who was leading all this rebellion. To this during her speeches at the Great Hall, Ky would always smirk pointedly at me. If he told, I had a plan set in motion for murder.

Many nights, though, I lay awake, thinking about what the Ministry now knew about me and Ky. They'll execute me, even if they know I'm telling the truth, or worse, I'll be subjected to studies in the Department of Mysteries. It'll happen to him, too. Despite all of it, neither of us deserve those fates.

Then came the day I started teaching the Spark leaders Patronuses. I only knew because I trained alongside Uncle Remus in my third year, and I knew what mine was.

"Alright, my compadres," I said to the six who were standing in front of me. "Time to learn protection from dementors. The Patronus Charm."

They all looked excited, especially Wesley.

"First thing to do is think of something happy, like your fondest memory," I said. I knew what my happiest memory was, by far. Not like I had a ton to draw from. I focused on the night of the Yule Ball, the first night of true love, my Cinderella night.

"Expecto Patronum!" I cried, and a silvery white and blue dragon emerged from the tip of my wand. Everyone watched in wonder.

"And that's how you do it," I said confidently. "Now, I don't expect anybody to be able to do it on their first try-"

"Expecto Patronum," Wesley said, and a dragon of his own, similar to mine, except more fairylike, sprouted out of the end of his wand and joined my patronus, the two dragons twirling in the air, tails entwined.

"Whoa..." Luis looked at me. "Why are they similar?"

I shrugged, although I had a theory.

"Well, I guess it's time for you to try," I said.

It took a couple tries, but Hayden was the first one to unlock hers. It was a wise-looking Ursa Major, a bear. It stood on its back legs and let out a roar, before it faded like the two silvery dragons before it.

"It's beautiful," Hayden murmured, entranced by the evanescent light.

I smiled. "That's the beauty of true happiness shining through."

"Happiness really is beautiful," Wesley agreed as he put an arm around me.

"Expecto Patronum!" Alex cried, and a mockingbird soared out, chirping a beautiful, ethereal song.

I clapped. "Well done, Alex!" I congratulated him.

Teddy was next. A Crup came out, and played around happily. I smiled at the joy on her face. "It looks like my old dog, Toto!" She squealed.

Ellie was having trouble with the spell. Only a few wisps were emerging.

"Don't get too frustrated," I advised her. "Most adult wizards don't know how to do this."

"The wizarding world is inept," Ellie muttered, and she tried again. "Expecto Patronum!" To everyone's surprise, a creature came out of her wand, a rat. She frowned at it. "Why a rat?" She asked.

"Cleverness," I realized. "You're dead clever and resourceful, Ellie. Besides, maybe it's referring to you being a diamond in the rough?"

She smiled, and leaned down to the rat. "I guess you aren't so bad, are you?" She smiled, and attempted to stroke it, before it faded. "I guess you aren't."

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