Chapter 3: Return to Site 6

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*Cory's POV*

After that conversation with 173, Professor Otis has been bugging me nonstop about testing with other SCPs. I was put with the toaster that apparently forces you to talk about it in first person, it didn't do anything. He wants to figure out if I can 'understand' 999, but he's still supposedly contaminated with 610. He was about to have me go back in with 173 when the squad was alerted about something shambling outside site 6.

*Timeskip to arrival at the site*

*The group was given hazmat suits, as well as an instance of 500 each in case they got infected with 610*

Triana: Alright, where is this thing.

Hooper: Beats me. We've been scouting the perimeter for several minutes now.

Triana: Wait... what is that?

*049, who was infected with 610 during the breach, is stumbling towards them*

Hooper: What? How is that thing still alive!? It's had 610 for who knows how long AND I used half a flamethrower's fuel on it!

Triana: Oh dear. Guys, back up and prepare to fire!

*Cory stands still, a look of fear and worry on his face*

Hooper: Cory! Back up!

Cory: *almost whispering* He's miserable...

049: *practically slumping over onto Cory* H-h-elp... me...

Triana: Cory, if you don't get back we'll have to shoot through you!

Hooper: 049's already leaning on him. Cory's a lost cause now.

Cory: *turning toward Triana and Hooper* Guys... we can save him! He's still there!

Triana: No, we can't! But we can save you, even if we have to destroy that suit!

Cory: *starting to tear up a bit* He's asking for help! He's not gone!

Hooper: Do you not remember him trying to kill you!?

Cory: I don't care! He's still alive, and we can help him!

Triana: *sigh* I give up. But I won't hurt him either.

Hooper: Then let's just leave him. There's no hope left for him if he's going to act like this.

Triana: Fine. It's for the best, and he knows not to let them escape.

*The two return to the helicopter, leaving Cory behind*

Cory: Well, fine. If they're gonna act like that, I'll just save him myself.

*Cory's POV*

Before I could do anything, I needed to know if he was responsive. I sat down, carefully bringing 049 with me. I asked him to nod if he could hear me. It was slow, but he did nod. I asked if he was able to eat or drink, since he would need to if I were to be able to save him. Again, a slow nod. "Okay, give me a second." I got out the SCP-500 and the water bottle/canteen thing I was given. I gave them to 049 and helped him since he was rather weakened and shaky. Almost immediately, the SCP-500 took effect. I moved away from him so I didn't accidentally reinfect him with SCP-610.

049: Thank you. That disease was rather agonizing to experience, and the fire early on didn't help.

Cory: You're welcome, 049. You still have some burns from that; I guess SCP-500 doesn't affect wounds.

049: Please, call me Oka-Azuul. I do not share my name often, but you defied your own allies for me. Though, may I ask why you have moved away from me?

Cory: I only had one of those pills. And since you were leaning on me, I don't want to reinfect you. 

Oka-Azuul: Ah, I understand. Since you seem protected from that ailment, may I ask you a favor? I don't want to seem like a burden.

Cory: Go for it. The rest of Alpha Strike ditched me anyway.

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