On the run

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A/N before we begin I want to say that you are not in love with Ethan. You are living with him. TRIGGER WARNING

3rd person POV

    There you are sitting on the floor. Your Father just pushed you on the floor (did I mention trigger warning) you begin to cry actually you sob. "Stop pleas-" you try to say but your mother kicks you in your back "yeah like crying will get you anywhere. Nobody will love you." Your dad says as he walks outside to smoke. Your mother joins him. You rush upstairs and grab your old backpack and stuff clothes in it. You wipe your tears and say goodbye to your home. You sneak out the back door and walk behind your neighbors homes.

Your POV
I tip toe around. Its chilly out. I hear my parents talking. Why me? Did I do something to deserve this? I dont matter. My thoughts fill my head. I shove my hands in my pocket. This is the only sweater I own. My friend got it for me. It's a bright blue hoodie. She drew a bunch of hearts on it. Its probably out of pity. How could anybody love me. I look around. I'm about two blocks away now. Maybe I should not walk through people yards anymore. I stumble to the sidewalk and stare down at my feet. My face stings as I touch the bruises. My arms are covered in scars from my mom and dad. I dont even want to call them that. I look up right as I bump into somebody. I fall down to the ground and scrape my knees. "You okay?" I hear from above. I look above quickly. "Woah your face?!" He says. "Do you need a ride home. " "No!" I yell. "Do you need a place to stay?" I nod. He puts out his hand. "I'm Ethan." He says loudly. "Y/n" I say much quieter than him. "Its just around the corner." I see him sneak a peek at my face. He probably thinks I'm disgusting. I keep my eyes on my shoes. I've had these since I was 9. They're all torn up and stained. "Which school do you go to?" Ethan says probably trying to break the silence "I don't go to school anymore." "Why not?" Ethan pestered "I dont know my mom needed me at home i guess." I lied. She wanted me to do all the chores. Every day same thing. Wake up at seven go make breakfast. Clean up the beer bottles, clean the bathroom. Than make lunch. Clean up the kitchen. Make dinner. Day after day I did everything while they drank and hit me. If I missed a spot a punch to the face. God forbid I forget to do something. "Well, were here." The house was a pale beige color. Two stories. It was cute and looked cozy. Ethan opened the door and I walked in. "MARK!" I flinched. He looked at me concerned. I hear footsteps and then I see a man. He had black hair. He was wearing a black long sleeve shirt with blue basketball shorts. He looked confused. "Who's that?" He asked " This is Y/n. She needs a place to stay." He informed Him. "Oh ok. I'm Mark and you must be Y/n." He stuck out his hand so I shook it. His hands were cold. "Well you hungry" Mark asked. I nodded. Mark and Ethan walked over to the kitchen. I stand there. Just shifting my weight from my left foot to my right foot. "You coming Y/n?" Ethan says. I walk over to them "you can sit down." I took off my hood "woah you okay?" Mark said. "Its nothing." I say putting my hand over my cheek. "You sure it looks pretty bad? Do you need an icepack?" "I said its fine." I look away. "Sorry." He says as he goes back to looking in the fridge. "We have pizza from earlier!" He grabs the box and sets it on the counter next to me. "Grab some" Ethan says as he open the box and takes a slice. "When do you think you'll go home?" I shrug, even though I know the answer. Never. "Well your welcome here anytime." Mark says. "Yeah same at my place!" Ethan exclaims. "Ok." I say. I snatch a piece of pizza its plain pepperoni. I take a bite. It tastes so good. "I haven't has pizza for years." "How have you not had pizza! Its amazing!" Ethan said. I shrug "my parents never got it for me I guess."
Ethans POV
She sounds so scared. "Hey mark can we stay here tonight?" "Yeah sure" he says. "Well kiddo, how old are you?" Mark asks soon after. "I'm twelve" "that's a big number!" Mark says like he's amazed. She giggled and wiped her face on her sleeve. "Hey Ethan I'm gonna take a shower." Mark says. "Okay." I answer as he walks upstairs. "So Y/n. Why'd you run away?" "I guess my home wasn't the... most fun place on earth. " I tilted my head trying to imply for her to continue "my mom and dad drank a lot. And sometimes hit me." Her eyes filled with tears "oh." I say. I feel horrible for her. " did they do that to your face?" She nods. "Well I'm glad I ran into you!" I say trying to cheer her up. "How about we watch TV." She jumped off her chair and followed me to the couch. "What do you want to watch?" She shrugged. I change the channel from south park to the kid show with that blue cat and the fish. She immediately got distracted by the show. It's a cute show a bunch of funny faces. She looks so much more happier than when I found her. The show makes some stupid jokes that make her laugh and they have a bunch of crazy characters. "I've never been able to watch these shows!" She says happily. "Really?" She kept her attention on the TV.
~time skip to about nine pm~

I dont get this kid. She seems so sad but at the same time relieved. I can't let her go back. "So do you watch YouTube?" I ask. "No but a bunch of boys used to talk about a couple of people." "Y'know me and Mark. That's our job." She looked at me. "Really! Is it fun?" I nodded. "C'mon" we both stand up and walk upstairs to Mark's recording room. "This is where Mark records his videos. Maybe we can play some games tomorrow." She nodded happily. "Go back downstairs I need to talk to mark for a second." She walked down the stairs and sat on the couch. "Mark?" I opened his room door. He was sitting there editing one of his videos. "Yeah?" "We cant let her go back home."I say in a serious manner. "What do you mean-" "her parents did that to her. Shes never watched cartoons. Shes not allowed to be a kid there. She has to stay with us." "Ethan, we've never been fathers before how will we-" "we have to." I say interrupting him "ok well get her to bed, we can have her use the guest bedroom for now." Mark said continuing his work. I walked back downstairs "you tired yet?" No answer. I walk over and see her asleep. I pick her up. Shes so light. She has to be underweight by atleast ten pounds. She leans her head onto my shoulder. I walk upstairs and set her in the bed. She is still in her clothes from earlier but I dont think I should wake her up. How could anybody ever hurt her. She looks so innocent yet mature. She doesn't even go to school. "Mark shes already asleep so I'm gonna sleep on the sofa" I tell him. He nods and goes back to editing.
~time skip to the morning ~

I hear little footsteps so I sit up to see Y/n walked around trying to see if I was awake. I must've startled her because she sorta flinched when she saw me. "Goodmorning Y/n" she waved to me. "Ethan. I'm scared" "why?" I ask "What if my mom and dad try and find me" I motion for her sit down next to me. "They won't take you back. Pinkie promise" I say as I stick out my pinkie "pinkie promise." We link our pinkies and promise to stick together. "You guys hungry?" Mark asked yawning. "Yes!" She says as she jumps up and walks to the kitchen. "Wanna have pancakes and hashbrowns?" She nodded and sat at the table. "So Y/n, what your favorite thing to do?" Mark asks as he makes coffee for him and I. "I like to draw." She says " I even have my sketchbook!" "Really?" Mark makes a pretty good uncle. Like a fun uncle. He's nervous around kids that aren't his fans. He spills some of the pancake batter on his shirt while he dumps it in the pan. Y/n stands up. "Let me I'm really good at making pancakes." She takes the utensils from his hands and makes a bunch of pancakes "she knows how to cook the perfect pancake!" Mark whispers to me " I know!" I whisper back. "All done!" She says and sits back down "do you like to cook?" I ask "I like to bake more. I love me a good cookie."  Mark makes the hashbrowns and puts it all on a plate and puts them down on the table. -knock knock- "I've got it" mark says as he walks over. It's a couple. They look like they're drunk. "Have you seen our daughter. Shes twelve and she ran away yesterday.  Her names Y/n?" They say "nope haven't seen her sorry. I'll let you know if I see her around." Mark says casually. I turn over to Y/n she looks terrified. And like shes about to cry. "You know who they were?" She nods "they're my mom and dad." She says quietly. I feel myself become about as scared as she was. Mark walks over with his jaw dropped. "They're lookin for you kidddo." She nods as she stuffs her face "you're not going back." I say quickly. "I promise." "Well how about we play something." My phone rings. "Hello" I say as I answer. Its tyler. "Hey dude, Mark won't answer you with him." "Yeah why." "Can I come over." "Sure." I hang up. "Who was that?" "Tyler." We all walk over to the TV. "You guys wanna play Mario kart?" I nod and Y/n shrugs. Mark open up the games and hands us the controllers. "So kiddo this button makes you move." Mark informs Y/n she nods and goes along with it. We start up the game. And she Is in the lead. "How?" Mark says as he slips on a banana peel. She giggles as she wins the game. "How about rainbow road." I say "Perfect!" Mark yells. He opens up that level. We all play "FUCK!" mark yells which makes Y/n laugh. "HOW DO YOU NOT FALL!??!" He yelld again. He has his high pitched 'I'm very bad at this and I'm gonna yell voice'. "I dunno!" She yells as I catch up to her. "Ethan and Y/n are neck and neck. Who will win? Who will lose. Find out in about 1 minute." Mark says like hes on the news which makes both me and Y/n laugh our asses off. "Tyler's here!" Mark says as he looks out the window and rushes to the door. "Hi mark!" "Hi Tyler!" They say to eachother? Tyler looks over at me and Y/n. "Who's that kid?" "Y/n she needs a place to stay." Mark mumbles what I'm guessing is the explanation of why she needs to stay. "Oh cool I'm Tyler" he says as he walks over to us.

A/N I really hope you guys like it. I guess this will be a good story for you and ethan huh. Maybe you never know.


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