today is the day.

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Ethans POV
"Y/n you've got to dress very nice today! So well go to the mall." I say to her "can't I just wear my grlwood shirt." "Nope, dress." She sighs. "Fine." We walk out to the car and start driving to the mall. "Can we get it at hot topic?" "Yeah!" I say "cool!" She says back. I'm glad shes not as shy anymore. She looked so worried back than. "We have to hurry. It's starting in a hour." "Okie." We walk in and go to hot topic "overalls?" "Fine" "plaid ones?" "Fine!" I say. Y/n grabs a red and black overalls and a plain black shirt. We pay and drive home. She gets dressed. "You look perfect!" I tell her. She runs up. "Time to go!" I say and we run over to the car "we'll win right?" She says. "Yep and Mark's gonna be there." She nods.
When we arrive she looks nervous "dont worry." We walk in. Her parents give me and mark dirty looks. Mark ignores it. Me and Mark have to talk while Y/n sits by the judge. "Ethan Nestor wants to adopt Y/n L/n." The judge tells the jury. "Ethan please tell us your reasons for why you should keep Y/n." I take a deep breath "when I found her. She looked so scared. She had bruises on her face and she was just not the person we're seeing today. Her parents took her out school and have ruined some of the chances she had. She is so sweet and I can tell she doesn't want to stay with them.." I say my voice was shaky. Y/n kept her eyes on me. "Might I say something." Says Elissa the judge nods. "I have looked through Ethans home and there home. Ethans home was cute. And safe. While their home was cover in beer bottles and when I arrived they were drunk." The judge nodded. "Mr and ms L/n. Why should you get Y/n?" The judge said. "One sentence I gave birth to her, I own her." Y/n looked so annoyed by that answer. They dont even have a lawyer "well jury what's your decision?" The judge said.  "Mr Nestor will be adopting Y/n Nestor." "Wait!" I say "hm?" "Can we have her last name be Nestor-fischbach?" "Yep sounds good!" The woman hit her gavel to finalize the decision. Y/n jumps down and runs over to me and Mark she jumped into us. I grabbed her. Her mom looks so pissed off. Her dad gave us a death stare. I dont care. Y/n is safe now. "Thank you Ethan!"Y/n said she wrapped her arms around my neck. We started to walk out. "We did it!" Mark yells Y/n looks so happy. We drive home. "Let's have a party!" I yell. Mark drives to the store. "Welcome to your new home." I say "thanks." "I never thought this would happen." She says. She hugs me. I hold her. Shes so calm for what just happened. Her cute face will no longer be bruised. I pick her up and hold her so tightly. *knock knock.* I dont let her go i just walk over. I open the door. "Give me my daughter back." Somebody says. I hold her tighter."shes not your daughter sir." "Yes she is!" He grabs Y/n form my arms "Ethan!" I cant reach him. He's using Y/n like a shield. "ETHAN HELP!" Y/n screams. "Let her go." I hear from behind them. Its mark and Tyler! "Let go of me dude" Y/n says.
Your POV
What will piss off my dad so much so he'll let go "help me Dad!" I say to Ethan my old dad throws me face first on the ground. I feel my nose crunch. "WHAT THE HELL!" He says. My old dad steps right on my back "owch." and punches Ethan. Mark grabs me immediately. "You okay kiddo." "Not at all." I say as my nose bleeds all over  my face "fuck!" Ethan yells "Get out of my house!" My dad pushes me and Mark out the way and storms off. I feel dizzy because my nose. "Fuck your nose!" Says Ethan. He takes me from Mark and rushes into the kitchen. He grabs an icepack from the freezer and puts it on my nose. "Thanks." Tyler walks in with a box. "We brought cake." Tyler was so confused. Mark walked in with a box of pizza "here kiddo that'll make you feel better. Icecream cake and pizza!"

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