Back in buisness baby

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Your Pov
"Oh Ethan!" I yell, footsteps echo down the hall and I turn the camera from the kitchen towards him. He smiles in his funky way.
"Y/n!" He says as he runs over to me.
Sometimes we film our days out. It was my idea and I'm VERY proud of it.
"Ethan where are we going?"I yell
"To the Carnival!" He yells back. We rush to the car and set the camera on the dash board.
"So." He says and turns on some random song. He starts yelling, we sing with the piano. It's a voice prepare thing.
"Hey lolly lolly hey lolly lo."
"I know a gal her name was Patty she was quite a fatty!"
"Hey lolly lolly lo!"
"I knew a guy his name was Luke he always wanted to be a duke!"
We than continue to make so many weird noises while singing.
"Ho ha hoo"
I yell
"Ho Ha hoo!"
He yells.
We make yawning sounds and so many other noises.
"YaA yaaaaaa!"
"YAA yaaa ya yaaaa!"
"Hi there!"
"Hey there"
"Ho there!"
"k,k,katy ill be waiting at the k,k,kitchen!"
We say it in unison.
"Ya ya ya...."
We say it such a tired and bored voice now.
Scilence from us, piano still plays.
"We're here!" Ethan says.
*Bam timeskip sponsored by honey did you know you could save millions of dollars with it?*
We walk in through the gates Ethan films us and we get bracelets.
"ETHAN MINES GREEN!" I can finally yell since we're outdoors.
"Mines Blue!" He responds.
"Drop ride." I say. He sighs
"Okay." We set down my bag and have the camera facing the ride. It can see us.
"Ready?" He asks and i grab his hand and nod. Suddenly we go up slowly. I look at Ethan who's giggling and I'm freaking out.
"Hey." He says and points to the camera and waves.
"We're at the top."
"Uh o-"
We slam down so fast me and him scream at the top of our lungs.
"ETHAAAAAAAN!" I yell as we hit the bottom
"that was awesome!" He says.
"Okat I wanna go on that!" I put to the ride with a bunch of swings that just spins and lifts you up.
"Okay ill record you!" He says.
I run up and sit down on the swing. Ethan gives me a thumbs up.
"She'll be fine!" I see him mouth to the camera. I scream as I go higher and higher, he laughs.
As the ride finished we decide to stop filming.
"Bye guys!"

here we are. Ethan x child reader ((DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now