the courtroom

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Authors note! I know this is a horrible story that moves way to fast. But I wanted to write this to spread awareness and to show that no matter how much you think nobody will love you. Somebody can. Your not alone.

Your POV
Welp. "How are you going to adopt me. I've only known you for two days. My mom and dad haven't put me for adoption." I almost begin to ramble until "we go to court." "Mark will be there and Tyler and I'll be there." "Even if they say no, your still apart of our family." Theres something about this dude. He knows barely nothing about me. But somehow it feels like he's always been here. "Will I have to choose?" "Maybe." I nod. I have to talk infront of some many people. And my parents. What if they come after me again. "Remember our pinkie promise." I nod again. I feel my eyes sting as tears fill them up. "You okay?" "No." I say trying not to cry. "He than wraps his arms around me. I feel so safe. Like he's been just around the corner this whole time. "I'll start getting all my evidence ready so you can stay with us Y/n" Ethan says. I don't want him to let go of me though. I want to stay here forever. But he has to go and get his things ready. "I'll be right upstairs if you need me." He says as he let's go of me and walks upstairs to do his things. I shouldn't have to worry about these things but I do. It feels like the world is going to explode if my mom and dad win.
Ethans POV.
Shit. Shit. Shit. I should talk to the judge I guess or not. I have no idea how to do this. I type in "layers" I find this one lady. I type in "hi. My name is Ethan Nestor and I want to adopt this child. Her parents have full custody of her but they abuse her physically and mentally. She has bruises on her back. Her face and her arms and legs. I don't want to let her go back. Please respond soon." I send her the email. I need to post. I can post one of my prerecorded videos. Boop. Uploading. "Hey Y/n! You hungry?" I yell downstairs "Yes." She says in a normal tone. "I'll make us some ramen." I stomp down stairs and to the kitchen. She gets up and follows me. "Ethan." "Yeah kid?" I say looking over at her while I open the package of ramen. "What if you dont win. I dont wanna go home." This kid is so sweet but she'll be crushed if she has to go home. "Well I emailed some people and I'm waiting for a response. But for now let's eat some food." I hand her the bowl of ramen. Than sit down next to her. Am I cut out to be a 
dad. Probably not. I guess I've done good so far. But what about as she gets older. What about when she moves out. Shes stuffing her face. "This is the most I've eaten in weeks." She says with her mouth full. "That's crazy." I say back. "I'll be right back. Please dont choke while I'm upstairs." "Okay." She said while chewing. I need to check the computer. I need somebody to help me win this kid needs me.she responded! "Hello my name is Elissa. I need to check with you in real life and I need to see The kid. Also you need to inform the parents of this. You'll either way get to take them to court." Perfect.  I rush downstairs. "Y/n, I'm gonna drop you off with Tyler." "Ok." She says and gets up. "Cmon." I reach out for. Her to catch up to me. She grabs my hand. I begin to smile. She looks up at me. We walk out of the house and to the car. "I've got to bring you somewhere first." While the car is parked. I text Elissa. "Hey can I come see you. Eith Y/n." "Sure -insert adress". "Who are we gonna see first?" Y/n says from the back seat. "We've got to talk to a lady for the adoption thingies." I tell her as I begin to drive over to Elissa's home. When we arrive Y/n hops out the far as I do and reaches for my hand. "You nervous, Ethan?" Y/n says. "Not really." We walk up and I press the doorbell. I chime comes from inside and than the door opens. "You must be Ethan and you must be Y/n." Elissa says. "Come on in." Her house was nice. The living room was right where you could see it as you walk in. The sofa was a brown leather one. "Y/n how about you watch Television." She says. Y/n let's go of my hand and walks over to the couch. That shoe she watching before was on. It's called the amazing world of gumball. "She's just darling. So what's your evidentiary on why you should get Y/n." "Well her parents hit her. They took her out of school. And when I was with her at a concert her mom punched her and choked her out by pulling on her hood." "Ok well can I see the scars or bruises." "Hey kiddo can you come over here!" I say. She looks over than hops to us. "Hi." She says quietly. "This is Elissa." I tell her. "And she needs to see your um bruises. It'll help us win." She nodded. She than pulled off the soft boi hoodie which revealed her bruises all over her arms. And the one on her cheek. "Who did this to you sweetheart?" Elissa said. "My mom did this to my face and this on my arm. But my dad did the rest." "And one more thing. Who do you want to stay with?" Y/n looked down. "Ethan." She said. "Okay I think that's enough evidence. Would you like me to come with you to talk to her parents?"" "Sure."I say "they might be drunk." Y/n says "oh well l'll also do an inspection on their home to see if it is  suitable for Y/n." Elissa says. "Alright can we use ny car?" "Yep." She says as she grabs her purse. And opens the door. I grab Y/n's hand and we walk out to my car. I open the door for Elissa. And she sits down. Than walk over and get Y/n into the car. Than i sit in the car. "Y/n wheres your parents house again?" I say. "Instert home address." "Well were gonna leave you at Mark's If that's okay." I say she nods and Elissa does too. We drive back to Mark's home and I step out and carry Y/n. "I can walk y,know." Y/n says jokingly "I know!" I say back in the same manner and knock on Mark's door. "Hey Mark can you take Y/n for a bit." "Yeah sure!" Mark says as he takes Y/n and leads her to the sofa. "Thanks see you later." "Bye" mark says as he shuts the door. I walk back to the car. "Ok so we'll be taking them to court hopefully tomorrow." Elissa say. We drive to the home. It's quite dingy looking. Small. "Were here." We both step out the car. Elissa knocks. "You again." The woman says. "Get out of here." Y/n's mother sounds so hungover. "Actually were taking you to court. I'd suggest you find your own lawyer. And if you want to win you have to clean your home." Elissa informed "he wants to adopt your child Y/n L/n (last name)" we both walked away. "I've already talked to the judge they said depending on there answer well do it tomorrow." Elissa told me. "We need to talk more though." I said. "Abour what?" Elissa said. "The kid." I tell her
Your POV
"So kiddo. Ethan wants to adopt you?" Mark says. "Yep!" I say "that's amazing! He really got attached huh!" Mark says. "I'm gonna be your uncle now!" He starts to ramble on. "Shh I wanna watch the show." I tell him "you're a lot like him." Mark says. "Really?" "Yeah. I expect you're gonna love living with him." "Oh." I smile. "Well." Mark says "what show is this. " "gumball!" I say as I keep my attention on the show. "Well sorry I'm not familiar to this show kiddo." I giggle at him trying to make up for his forgetfulness.  "Well I need to talk to tyler He's upstairs." I nod. Mark stands up and walks upstairs. I hope Ethan gets back soon. I miss him already. Its wierd, I've only known him for a few days, but it feels like years. Not in a bad way. Bit like I've known him for a while.

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