Chapter Five

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Authors Note: Sorry this is late going up - Wattpad has issues today and I tried waiting them out. Hopefully you guys get the update the chapter is live.  
I initially started this with the desire to conclude it in five chapters and I could, but it wouldn't really be complete. So that being said, I have at least one more chapter in this story, possibly two. ❤️🖤

One Year Later - Kylo's POV

Planet: Ithor

Event: Wedding of Supreme Leader Kylo Ren and Y/N


She was the most insufferable woman I had ever met. This day couldn't be over soon enough. If I had to shake one more person's hand I was going to snap someone's neck. It's ridiculous the number of people that were here. One would think we were royalty. Oh, wait.

After she had accepted my engagement she had helped me strike a five year peace treaty with the Resistance. We had together worked to bring some semblance of order to the people under the reign of the First Order. She was indeed insufferable, but damn she was born to lead. Never backing down. Never taking no for an answer when she knew she was right, and kriff all if she wasn't right ninety percent of the time.

I was in awe of her when she went head to head with other dignitaries like she had been doing it her whole life. It was beautiful. She wasn't afraid to let it all out, ever. She would tell them like it was without fear.

Today though, today was different. Through the bond, I could feel her nerves. She was shaking nonstop today, a jittery mess. I tried sending her calming thoughts and they bounced back to me, she wasn't blocking me out per say but she was so worked up she just wasn't hearing me.


Last night somehow I had been taken out by none other than Finn, Poe Dameron,Vicrul and Chewie. I didn't really have any friends within the First Order other than my knights and after about the first six months of our engagement Y/N's group of friends started coming around more often once the treaty had been struck. They quickly became my friends too and it was...not to sound sappy, but it was nice. It wasn't like with the knight's where they owed me their friendship. They actually wanted to be around. Even Vicrul liked them for the most part. Well he didn't love Poe. To be honest, he wanted to run his scythe through Poe's spine ninety-nine percent of the time.

Our dangerous group of five headed out to a cantina owned by Maz on Takodana. She was well known by the group and had agreed to help provide us with a secure room for the evening to enjoy ourselves. We had a great night for the most part. The guys bought me a Twi'lek for the evening and I had the fun job of explaining to her that it wasn't anything she was doing wrong, that I just wasn't hard for her, as she tried her best at the lap dance. Poor fuckers wasted a lot of credits too.

Lots of drinks were had and the evening ended with Poe and Vicrul being the drunkest of us all singing karaoke together. Funniest shit I ever saw. Vicrul, two-hundred eighty pounds of solid fucking muscle with a scythe on his back, singing, 'If I Could Turn Back Time' by Cher from the planet Earth. After that they decided they didn't hate each other anymore and we all headed back to the ship for the return trip to Ithor. Finn, our Designated Driver and basically chaperone for the evening, piloted us while I sat in the copilot's chair.

"Sir," He said as he let the hyperdrive takeover.

I shifted my eyes to him, I was intoxicated but I laughed. "Sir? That's where we are right now? After the evening we had with everyone and almost a year of friendship I still get, Sirred?" Fuck drunk me wanted respect at all costs, but I also craved basic human friendship at this point.

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