Don't Eat MY Chicken Nuggets

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------------Steve (Captain America) POV

I was going out for my daily run, when I saw the kid. I bumped into him as I was on my way.

"Sorry, kid. I wasn't watching where I was going." I reaching down to pick up the pen he had dropped.

"It's fine, I wasn't looking either." He said as he grabbed his wallet off the floor and stood.

I handed him his pen and he took it. He looked at me and we both froze. His eyes were dark green, like there was a layer of darkness trying to hide a bright green light. They were tinted with sadness and pain, like he was lost and didn't think he could ever find his way home.

I felt immediate like I needed to protect this kid. Like the world was out to get him and I was the only one who could save him.

He jerked his eyes away and began to move in the direction he had came from.

"Wait! Kid I-" "Don't call me kid." I was momentarily stunned by that remark. It wasn't some kind of insult nowadays was it? He obviously was the right age group.

"I'm sorry, is that some kind of insult these days? I'm still not 100% up to date with modern things." I said.

He stopped and turned, "What do you mean?"

I thought about it for a minute, "Do you know who I am?"

"Um, no. Should I?" He asked, scrunching up his face as if he was trying to remember something.

"You should, but I don't mind. It would be nice to have a friend that didn't wasn't a fan or thought they were better than you." I said, smiling.

"Huh, I know that feeling. I'm Percy Jackson. You are?" Percy asked, smiling back.

"Steve Rogers."

"Well, do you want to go get breakfast, I was heading there before we bumped into each other." Percy asked.

"I'd love to, but I have to go running, it's my morning thing." I felt bad for the kid, I was leaving him.

"Well, I could come with. Don't have much to do these days and I could use some exercise." Percy yawned and stretched his arms as if to show his need to do something.

"Sure, but I don't think you could keep up." I laughed and started to walk towards my favorite running spot. Percy followed.

"You'd be surprised. I went to a summer camp and we did a whole lot of running. I am a pretty good athlete." Percy smiled and looked at me. I laughed.

We arrived and started going, first slow and he kept up. Then I started to speed up and he went to. Soon we were running at my normal pace and he was working it.

"Man... you...are fast..." I gasped out as we picked up speed.

Percy didn't reply, he just focused and kept his attention in his task. Then he gave a slight nod and we both took off, simultaneously at our top speeds. He ran ahead some and the I did and we both just switched from first and second, then back again.

I didn't know how much longer I was going to last and Percy seemed ready to fall out any moment too. I wasn't going to let a teenager beat me though. We ran for another couple minutes and then Percy collapsed.

I stopped and look down at him, then I collapsed too. We just layed there forever, looking at the sky and saying nothing. I was surprised, to say the least. That kid did good.

"Can we still go get that breakfast you mentioned?" I asked, turning my head and looking at him.

"Sure, but I think it's lunch now."

-------Percy POV

We sat at McDonalds, eating lunch. Steve had really not wanted to go there because of his diet. However I told him that we had to go because I gave him a reason to cheat. He ran way more than he usually does, and it was my fault so I got to pick out the restaurant.

My logic is legendary, so we went and I got some amazing chick nuggets. He got a cheeseburger. Lame.
We both drank a whole bunch of water and the lady at the front desk accepted all our change when we drank half the restaurant's water.

I looked out the window at the cars going by, and out the corner of my eye, I see Steve's sneaking hand slowly reaching for my chicken nuggets. I grab his wrist a twist it up and he drops it, I let go.

"Wow, you've got some pretty good skills kid." Steve says as he rubbs his wrist.

"Don't eat my chicken nuggets." I raise my eyebrow at him. "And don't call me kid."

"Yes sir." He solutes and we stand. We go to give the lady at the counter another few tips for the water and leave.

"So what are you into?" Steve asks me; we head towards the park.

"I like swimming. What about you?" I ask casually.

"I'm a good swimmer, but it's not a hobby of mine or anything." Steve thinks for a moment, I let him. "You got a girlfriend?"

I immediately think of Annabeth, she was my love. I jumped into Tartarus with her. I don't regret it either. She would always be worth it again and again. I'd give up the world for her. I looked at the foundation in the middle of the park. There used to be a statue up there. Me and Annabeth, on a quest we had removed it. Many other statues were moved too. This had been a nice looking one. Annabeth could have built one like that for Olympus when she was alive. She loved architecture,  a child of Athena through and thro-

"Percy?" Steve asked, concerned.

I didn't realize we had stopped. Stupid ADHD.

"Sorry, I have ADHD. Completely zoned out. It happens." I said nervously.

"Oh. Well thats a relief, I thought there was something wrong with you." Steve said; I looked at him.

"Oh! Sorry I didn't mean it like that!" Steve frowned and panicked.

I laughed, and after a second he did too. It was nice I hadn't laughed in a while, I was happy. Maybe I should make friends more often.

Suddenly a beeping went off and Steve grabbed his phone out of his pocket. He answered the call.

"Yeah? No, I was out with a friend. A new friend, am I allowed to do that? What happened now? Fine, I'll be over soon. Send him my annoyance." Steve ended the call.

"Sorry I have to go. Work stuff." Steve said, annoyed that his free moment had ended.

"It's fine, is everything alright?" Percy asked.

"Yeah." Steve said smiling, before he started to walk away.

"Hey, same time tomorrow?" Percy called.

"Sure, but no fast food!"

Percy smiled, maybe his life wasn't going to be so horrible after all. He headed home.

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