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------------Thor POV

I do not under stand Percy. He is happy and joyful one minute and the next he is dark and cold. He somethings does scare me and I pride myself in my fearlessness. We are all still in lab, nobody has said a word since Percy left.

I feel guilty, we should not have done that to him. Everybody looks guilty and sad. Percy should not have experienced whatever he did, for such a young person, he had seen far too much. For that I pitied him, we didn't even know what happened to him and yet anyone who saw him as a hero and a scared child could see him in such a way that they took pity on him.

"Guys. We need to find out what happened to Percy." Steve broke the silence and looked at each of us, we nodded.

"Come on then." Tony said and made his way to the door. "FRIDAY, where's Percy?"

<He is currently in the training room, sir.>

We all made our way to the training room. When Steve opened the door, mist poured out. It was warm and clammy, the pool was covered in a dome of water, the water swirled and twisted. We ran over, curious.

The dome over the pool pulled off the outershell and into the dome, water cascaded down and formed people and monsters, all of them snarling and fighting each other, neither side seemed to be winning. Something about those monsters made his head hurt, they looked so familiar. 

I looked at the battle and saw that they all seemed to be circling Percy, who laid on the floor of the pool, eyes closed.

I looked up at the other Avengers, they were all looking down at him in concern.

"Are we going to go get him?" I asked, knocking them out of their shock.

"Yeah. Straight through the water. We don't all need to go, however." Steve said.

"Fine, just you and me then Rogers." Thor looked at the rest of the Avengers, who looked like they wanted to protest, yet they said nothing.

Alright. I stepped up to the water, Steve beside me. We jumped simultaneously and the water pushed us back. The water moved, colliding with itself, and when we were pushed away we ran into each other, barely keeping ourselves from falling over.

I looked at Steve.

"How are we going to get in the current is too strong!" Steve said angrily.

"Is Percy creating it?" Peter asked.

"I believe so." I said, looking at my hammer, I turned  over as everybody tried to get in.

Stark started yelling at Percy, to wake him up and stop the water.

Suddenly someone was throw violently at me, after trying to breach the water. I stumbled and Steve tried to grab my arm and pull me up, but he couldn't. I held the hammer and Steve couldn't move me as long as I carried the weight of it.

I hit the ground. "Ow." I said annoyed.

I looked at the hammer, thats it! If I had someone hold the hammer, they would drop through the water!

"Peter! Come here!" I said, picking myself up from the floor.

"Yeah?" Peter, walked over.

"I'm going to throw my hammer in here and on it's way, you will grab it and wake Percy." Peter frowned confused and then he nodded with understanding.

He stood between me and the pool. I tossed the hammer and he grabbed it, he flew with it, through the water barrier.

He feel next to it, on his back. Standing over him was a huge dog and it growled down at him. It pounced and Peter rolled to the side, it barely missed him. It's ice claws dug into the ground, and it ran at Peter who stumbled backwards. I realized my mistake.

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