God starts with a G too!

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Sorry to leave you guys on a cliffhanger, scratch that. No I'm not! It was great!

-------------Percy POV

Triple G was starting to get on my nerves. I don't know why the blue guys were all mean, then neutral, then all the sudden they are attacking us again! Would they just make up their minds already?

Now it was just me and Mr. Arrow, against Triple G and the blue guys. Well, it really was terrible odds, especially since we were losing against them before and we had more people. Though, I'm sure they were getting tired too.... Ok I just hope.

Mr. Arrow and I were near Steve and Thor. He was shooting arrows, which really got on their nerves, at most. I noticed as he redirected his attacks at Triple G and the few giants that were left began to stagger. Huh.

Of course this left more openings for me and soon I had two down, that left two.

"He is controlling the giants! If we take him down, we take them down! They don't care about anything anymore, Loki got on their nerves! They might even help us! Do you have any ideas?" Mr. Arrow yelled!

"Um...." I ducked and slashed the leg of the ugly blue guy. "Can you hold them off? I can try and get to Triple G!" I grabbed it's forearm and jumped up onto it's shoulder.

It tipped forward and the other one raised it's fist. Here is my chance, I jumped off and the blue guy two rammed his fist into the other's shoulder. A crack resounded in the room and he fell face first into the floor. Ouch. Three down, one to go.

"Yeah! But hurry up, my arrows don't do much against these guys, their skin is too thick!" Mr. Arrow yelled.

"Aim for the eyes!" I suggested as Mr. Arrow pelted my foe with arrows. It roared and turned to him.

I ran at Triple G and he smiled. Not a good sign. I jumped and swung Riptide down. I had already figured out this guy was a god, I also found out what his name was, thanks to Mr. Arrow, but I preferred to anger my dear Triple G.

He parried and we fought back and forth again. Suddenly I heard Mr. Arrow cry out and I hesitated, Triple G lunged forward and slashed across my face, I leaned back dodging it, but I lost my balance and stumbled backwards. Triple G hit Riptide as I fell and it went flying to the side, about 15 feet. That is not good.

"You thought you could beat me mortal? Watch your friend perish." He whispered, smiling.

I kicked out pushing him backwards by his stomach, I stood up and looked at Mr. Arrow. I started running.

I wasn't going to make it, the giant held him and was slowly squeezing, Mr. Arrow wasn't even breathing anymore. At least he hadn't released his breath yet.

Nevermind, it was out. I ran faster and reached in my pocket, there was Riptide. I uncapped it and threw it at the giant. Nothing, happened I didn't hit it hard enough.

I grabbed my sword and plugged it as high up the leg of the giant I could get. It roared in pain and I saw that Mr. Arrow gasped in some air before his air was cut of again. I ran towards my sword, which had moved away  from him as the giant stumbled. I ran and grasped it flipping up onto the giant's arm. I twisted the sword on my way up and the giant roared and jumped. Mr. Arrow gasped up more air, but I flew off and went flying through the air.

I didn't hit the ground. The metal man had flew in and caught me, I looked up surprised as he put me down.

"Get out of here kid!" He yelled as he flew to Mr. Arrow, he shot light beams at the hand surrounding him. The hand dropped him before Triple G could regain control. He swooped down and caugh Mr. Arrow's limp form.

I had been so focused on metal man and Mr. Arrow that I had forgotten about Triple G, until I heard the swoosh of a blade.

I jumped forward and turned around, Triple G stood in front of me holding his staff in one hand and his knife in the other. I reached in my pocket, but it was empty. Riptide had not come back yet, I cursed.

"Not quite so powerful without your sword anymore are you, mortal?" He laughed.

"Yeah. Not quite Triple G." He snarled and lunged forward, I jumped back.

"I am not some, guy! I am a God!" He hollered angrily as he blasted at me. I dodged, again.

"Does it even matter? That starts with a g too!" He screamed in frustration as I moved out his way again.

"Getting a little unnerved are we?" He smirked, not a good sign. I'm funny, but not to this guy.

He lunged again, straight forward in a stabbing motion and I jumped back once more. My ankle hit something hard and I tripped over it.

Metal man was in action once again and started shooting at Triple G, I got up and looked down. I had tripped over Mr Hammer's hammer. I smiled and picked it up.

Triple G had his back turned and I swung it. It got him and he dropped like a stone. Metal man looked up at me and his face metal moved to the side. He look surprised.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Just a kid trying to do a little good for once, but you should probably get back to your team. Looks like they need your help. Natasha is in the NY Helping Hand Clinic by the way." I said casually.

"This isn't the last you'll see of The Avengers kid. What is your name?" He asked.

"I'm not a kid." I said and pointed to Flag guy who was slowly getting up. A pained expression on his face.

Metal man sighed and his face plate returned, he flew back to his friends who lay in a groaning heap.

I sighed and walked away.

--------- Steve POV

I goaned and opened my eyes. I looked around and there was Thor and Clint next to me. Clint was awake, but barely. Thor was out hard and I could hear Tony's suit flying over.

"Tony?" I asked, my voice, quiet and hoarse.

"Right here, Cap." He looked down at me with a look of concern. Wow, I concern him, it is nice to know that he had a heart and not just a metal battery.

"I called in Fury, he has been waiting for our signal to arrive. He didn't want Loki to get into the helicarrier or any of his giants. " Tony said.

Suddenly alert I jumped and started searching frantically from my spot on the floor.

"Where is he? Where's Loki?" I asked, afraid of the answer.

"We got him, Cap. Kid knocked him out with Thor's hammer while I was distracted him." I sighed with relief, then frowned. Percy picked up Thor's hammer?

"This is a pretty battered Avengers team." Fury looked around. "Where is Natasha?"

"She's at the NW Helping Hand Clinic." Tony said.

Fury frowned. "How did she get there?"

Tony sighed. "It's alot to explain, let's get everyone feeling better. I wasn't here for a bit of it."

"Fine." Fury looked back as a team of agents came with stretchers, one team went off another way. Probably for Natasha.

1271 words

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