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A/N: Hi everyone, my name's Sophie and I'm the author of this fic! I started writing this a while ago on fanfiction under the same name, so if you want to read ahead you can always check it out on there. Enjoy! :)

Also, note this whole first chapter is italicized because it's set in the past.


Peggy sighed, before replying, "I'm here."

"I'm going to need a raincheck on that dance."

That struck Peggy hard. She barely held back tears, managing to reply, "Alright. A week Saturday. The Stork club."

"Okay, you got it."

"Eight o'clock on the dot, if you're three minutes late I'm leaving; do you understand?" She managed to smile, but she couldn't help the tears that slowly dripped down her face.

"I still don't know how to dance."

Peggy closed her eyes, "I'll show you. I'll show you everything. Just be there." Her voice was breaking, cracks inevitable. Oh Steve...

"Maybe the band could play something slow, I'd hate to step on your..."


"No..." Peggy stared at the radio transmitter, her eyes closed. He can't be dead...

~ ~ ~

Five years had passed. Peggy had gone from New York to Hollywood, and back. She'd become the director of SHIELD. She'd dated around, a bit. But no man... no man would ever compare to him.

Peggy believed that Steve was the only person for her... but he was dead. She'd have to find someone else, but no one could live up to the standards Steve had set. His sweet personality, his courage... looks helped as well, but Peggy had liked Steve more for who he was. She kept his picture on her desk at all times, the one from before the serum, when he'd just been regular old Steve Rodgers. She'd look at it from time to time, being reminded of the wartime... and Steve. The war had been horrible. But without that war, she might not have known Steve, or earned the respect of many, many American men. She'd made a name for herself around SHIELD after the war, but the war still greatly affected her life.

But five years was a long time, and she felt as if there were a one percent chance Steve was alive. She'd moved along alright, the tough girl that she was. Howard and friends had been helpful through the first few years. And yet here she was, sitting in her office, more distressed than she'd been in years. She didn't know why she was so hurt, only that all her feelings and memories about Steve were flooding back to her.

"Miss Carter?"

Peggy took a breath, picking up a folder to fake that she was being productive. "Director Carter," she corrected.

There was a moment of silence, the man who'd just opened the door said nothing. Peggy was turned away from him, unable to identify who he was based simply on his voice. She started to turn every so slightly when the man spoke again.

"I need to see your files on Captain Rodgers."

The man turned on her radio. Music filled the office. She turned all the way around, and relief spread over her. Relief, disbelief... but happiness. She was shocked, then smiled, but still confusion overtook her.


"Director Carter, I hear."

"You're late," she smiles, getting up from her desk chair.

"So I'm told."

Peggy moved slowly towards Steve, a bit uneasy.

"Where've you been?"

"Many places... I'm sorry."

"You should be."

"Peggy, I woke up seventy years after the plane crash, in the next century, and..." The two embraced, sharing a deep, passionate kiss. Peggy pulled away, still in disbelief that her long-lost love had returned to her. "What's wrong?"

Peggy tried to find the words. "Steve, I..."

"I know. It's been a long time. For both of us." Steve leaned in, and Peggy clutched onto him, digging her face into him. She moved her head so she faced the side.

"Five years, Steve. I founded SHIELD, we defeated the Nazis, we demolished Hydra..."

"I know, Peggy. I read up on you."

She smiled, "You really did?"

"How could I forget about my best girl?"

She was flattered, a sweet smile on her face as they swayed to the music. Her eyes were closed. Peggy was lost in the music, in the warm embrace of the man she loved, reunited at last after having been separated for what felt like eternity. She'd thought Steve to be dead, five minutes ago. And hell was she wrong.

"Steve, what happened in that plane crash?"

"I don't want to talk about that right now. Let's focus on now, not the past."

"Okay," Peggy looked down, before sighing and once more getting lost in the moment. Captain America, why did you ever have to steal my heart? She took a deep breath. This brief moment would forever be remembered in her mind.

Never thought that you would be

standing here so close to me

there's so much I feel that I should say

but words can wait until some other day

Kiss me once, then kiss me twice

Then kiss me once again

It's been a long, long time

Haven't felt like this, my dear

Since I can't remember when

It's been a long, long time

You'll never know how many dreams

I've dreamed about you

Or just how empty they all seemed without you

So kiss me once, then kiss me twice

Then kiss me once again

It's been a long, long time

Ah, kiss me once, then kiss me twice

Then kiss me once again

It's been a long time

Haven't felt like this my dear

Since I can't remember when

It's been a long, long time

You'll never know how many dreams

I dreamed about you

Or just how empty they all seemed without you

So kiss me once then kiss me twice

Then kiss me once again

It's been a long, long time

Long, long time

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