Chapter Two

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A/N: Hi, I'm not dead!

    "Holy shi-"

    My heartbeat quickened in only a matter of seconds. The Scarlet Witch's eyes were focused on whatever was attacking, only resting a moment on our car before leaping off. She made eye-contact with me, a moment that was absolutely astonishing. She hurried to the driver's window, before knocking on it for Carolyn to open. As soon as there was a crack, she was talking.

    "I need you to stay in your car, no matter what. We're trying to drive them into the water, but..." Scarlet Witch's head swiveled, checking to make sure they weren't near, before turning back. "We might need some civilian heroes." She sprinted away from our car.

    "Oh my god... that was... oh my god..." Stephanie had gone into shock. Carolyn managed to stay calm and civil, but I could tell she was a bit overwhelmed.

    "Scarlet Witch, yeah..." Carolyn mumbled. Something shot up from the ground, holding a hammer. A man in a red and blue suit was swinging from building to building, using ropes that shot from his hand. A man soared above in a robotic suit. These were the Avengers, an organization I'd only heard of on the news. War Machine, Spiderman, Scarlet Witch, the Hulk, and Hawkeye. They'd been the biggest thing in both the UK and United States since... 2012 for some reason. This was amazing.

    And then I saw what they were fighting. Men in Black. Well, not the movies series. These were heavily armed men in military garb who were shooting the hell at the buildings and people. They kept their distance from the Avengers, and none of them were near our car. Thank Goodness. I was a bit exhilarated by it all. I saw a car, at maximum speed, flying towards a group of terrified kids, only about 30 feet away. There was nothing I could do. "We might need some civilian heroes..." Why had Scarlet Witch said that? She had to have known that we had no weapons. It struck me like lightning.

A small pistol was sitting on the sidewalk... what the frick... I swung open my car door. Carolyn screamed at me, cuss words galore. I snatched up the gun. I fiddled with the trigger, a brief attempt to learn how to shoot. Here goes nothing. I pointed the gun at the car, and pulled the trigger.

I hit the windshield. I missed, but the driver was now clearly able to tell that someone was onto him. Another shot. And another. One more shot...
I hit him flat in the head. The car swerved, away from the helpless children, smashing into a building.
I'd actually done something helpful. Don't mind the damage.

I quickly opened Carolyn's car's door, hopping inside. I held the gun on my lap. It was old, clearly more than a decade's worth of use came out of it. Engraved in the metal were two letters. P.C. I ran my fingers over that part of the metal. It was quite smooth, although I expected it to be crude. Carolyn was mouthing off to me, I didn't really care. I was so entranced by this antique pistol and the fact that I'd saved lives. Well, I did kill someone, but he was bad. Not the best excuse for murder, I suppose. But lives were saved by me. And that was, indeed, the most pleasant feeling one can ever muster.

Yet the guilt flooded me. He was trying to kill innocents, I reminded myself. But he, or she, was a person. And murderous tendencies... they didn't change that. It wasn't long when Scarlet Witch once more approached the car, knocking on my window.

"You're Jo Rodgers, aren't you?"

I took a short breath, hesitantly replying, "yes, why?" I said why briefly, and without the flair in the voice which makes a word a question. How could the Scarlet Witch herself know my name?

Scarlet Witch turned, quickly checking something, before saying, "I know your dad."

I couldn't believe it.

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