Chapter Four

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I didn't... I couldn't- how was I to react? My parents sat before me- my real parents. They looked at me, utterly confused, and wondering how I appeared in their living room. I almost started to cry, reality hitting me.

"It's me," I smiled, breathing through my mouth (more like panting, I was a bit stressed). "I've come home, Mum, Dad."

The woman- Peggy Carter, my mother- opened her mouth for a few seconds, before speaking softly, "Josephine?"

"That's my name," I offered an awkward smile. "I... came here from 2025."

I could see something ticked on the man's face. My dad's face.

"2025...?" Steve's voice displayed utter confusion.

Peggy turned her face, before whispering something to him. He whispered back.

"It's 1953. Our daughter Josephine would only be a year old. And time travel isn't possible."

"Yes it is, and you can't deny it. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here, Captain."

Steve raised an eyebrow, "so you really are from the future?"


"Doesn't mean you're our daughter," Peggy replied, clearly with Steve on this one. I sighed, a little disappointed. Had I expected to be welcomed in with open arms? A little. I hadn't known who I was dealing with.

"Can you... give me a moment to explain?"

Steve looked at Peggy, who sighed, "well, alright."

"Thank you..." I looked down at my feet, unsure of how to continue. And then I just... talked. Like it was a perfectly normal story. "I grew up an orphan. I've seen many foster homes all around England. And then, about a year after the blip, which I thankfully wasn't affected by, I moved to New York. And during a skirmish between the Avengers and some... people, Wanda Maximoff found me and took me to the Avengers Headquarters, where Mr. Barnes told me-"

"Barnes?" Steve hadn't interrupted yet. Peggy looked over at Steve, a little concerned.

"Bucky Barnes. He said that, that you and he were friends."

"Continue," Steve looked a little tense.

"He told me that I'd been displaced in time. And then with the help of Mr. Banner, I traveled through time. I still have a few extra pym particles and I'm obviously wearing a suit, so if you want me to go back to the 21st century I can."

"Why would we ever want you to do that?" Peggy sighed, before motioning for me to join them on the couch. I smiled a little, glad to be accepted. At least, a little accepted.

"Good," I sighed, relieved. "Is there... is there anything I need to know about... you two?"

"Well," Peggy looked over at Steve. "I'm the Director of an organization called SHIELD, and your father is basically hunkered down thanks to the situation which I assume you know?"

"Right, yes."

"The point is that I have a very busy lifestyle, whereas Steve is around often. I may be gone for long periods of time on business-" A phone rang, an old fashioned sound which I'd only heard in films.

Peggy sighed. "I need to take this call."

"Okay," I said softly, looking over at Steve. He was looking down at his hands.

"I need to go to the office? Edwin, this is not a good time- what do you mean, it's important? Okay, well, can I at least have dinner? There's something I need to tell you- Jarvis, please, dinner. I'm Howard's boss, which means I'm yours. Alright, thank you. Goodbye Edwin," Peggy put down the phone.

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