Chapter Five

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Peggy didn't come home that night. She called up the house telling Steve and I that she'd return in the morning. The next day, nothing. There was nothing from her for a good week. Jarvis told us she'd left around five in the morning of the day she'd say she'd return. No one had seen her since. Director Peggy Carter was officially deemed missing.

Steve had Jarvis take me to SHIELD headquarters every morning. There, they let me read as much as I wanted (as long as I stayed out of the main office area). The reason I stayed was for the food, though. For days, no one bothered me. It wasn't until it had been a week since Peggy's disappearance that anyone in the office said anything that wasn't hello to me.

I hadn't met Agent Thompson until he spoke to me that day.

"Jo Carter?" the tall blond man took a seat across from me. I didn't correct him- I didn't speak at all. I simply looked up from my book and glared at him.

"I'm Agent Thompson," he said. "We're going to need your help soon. You think you could shoot a gun?"

Shit. I hadn't shot a gun since that day with the Avengers. For the most part, I'd managed to isolate my guilt. I didn't need any reminders of the guilt from my kill. I'd been so distracted I wasn't able to really... think about it. But now...

Thompson was looking at me, a little frustrated with my refusal of an answer. "Can you answer me? You look a little flushed."

I gave him a hesitant nod. "I can shoot a gun."

He grinned, "Good to hear. We're gonna train you to be an agent for us, we think that's what Peggy would've wanted."

Peggy had only been missing for a week- why did he speak of her as if she were dead?

"An agent?" I frowned, "I'm much more useful in intelligence, Mr. Thompson."

He shrugged, "Agents can be in intelligence too, look at your mom. Besides, you're a part super soldier and that means you're physically capable of things most probably couldn't achieve."

Maybe he was right. Maybe killing someone on my first try was no coincidence. But I didn't want to simply be known as the super-soldier girl. I wanted to be known for my brain, not brawn.

I nodded, "Okay, Mr. Thompson. Let me know when training will-"

Jarvis came rushing into the room where Thompson and I sat. He seemed out of breath, little emotion on his face.

"Josephine?" He paused, "Your mother's returned."

Excitement. Fear. Happiness? I don't know. I was overcome with emotion. Maybe I could get to know her a hell of a lot better. I barely knew her, if I'm honest. Peggy Carter and I had shared far too few conversations.

I got up quickly and followed Jarvis to the center of the office, where seemingly everyone was gathered around my mother's desk. There sat my mother, looking exhausted. There were scrapes on Peggy's face, dirtied with blood and sweat. Her previously nice business-worthy outfit was torn. She looked ragged compared to the woman I had seen a week ago. It was hard to believe that this was the same person.

"Where did they take you, Pegs?"

"I- it-" Peggy could not get the words out for the life of her. The men surrounding her were in various states of frustration. "They took me to a basement... and they... they..."

"They what? You can tell us, Peggy, no one will get you here."

"Dottie Underwood, she tortured the information out of me..." she looked down. "She knows about Jo."

"What about Jo?" Howard asked.

"The Russians are hunting down Jo because she's... you know."

"What?" Howard frowned.

"Howard," Peggy snapped, "I'd care not to discuss this here."

I didn't know what exactly they were talking about. Was it my time situation? Or perhaps the fact that Steve was my father...? Either way, my odds weren't looking good.

"Alright Peggy, let's get you home. Jarvis!"

"Here, sir," Edwin said, inching his way through the crowd of workers. "Miss Carter, Josephine is here too. Shall I take you both?"

"Yes, go pull the car around," Howard answered for Peggy, not even giving her a chance to object.

The trip to the car was a blur. The office was set amuck, some workers running around frantically to get back to their work while others were busy on my mother's case. There was a general feeling of unease as Edwin escorted Peggy and me down to the street. I wasn't comfortable being such an object of attention, nearly everyone stopping us on our way down to give us their thoughts and prayers. Peggy always quickly thanked them and then dismissed their brief exchange entirely. I wasn't all too comfortable with being stopped by strangers; thankfully we kept a steady pace on our way out despite the constant interruptions.

Jarvis pulled up in a black, classic looking car. The perfect getaway for a Stark.

Peggy and I sat in the back while Jarvis drove, keeping his eyes on the road.

"It's been a hard week, hasn't it?" Edwin said with a sigh at the end. "Mr. Stark has missed you, Miss Carter."

"The Russians... they're..." Peggy completely ignored what Jarvis was saying, mind set on the bigger issue at present. I respected her for that, if I'm perfectly honest, "aggressive."

"Aggressive?" I scoffed, a little surprised Peggy would label them as that tame when more harsh words could easily be used. I knew enough about Russians just based off history class. They were scary. "From what I've heard they're terrifying."

Peggy shook her head, "I wouldn't say terrifying, at least not from my perspective. An assassin I dealt with was more of a pain in the ass than anything." Jarvis gave her a look- almost like he was shocked that Peggy would ever cuss in front of her child. Not that I cared about cussing, but I knew the time and place. Peggy quickly shot Jarvis back a look that made it clear that she didn't give a shit.

"Well, damn..." I mumbled, loud enough so only I could hear. I crossed my arms, feeling a bit uncomfortable. The whole situation was awful unnerving.

Peggy let out a deep reath- "Jo, there's something you need to know." She hesitated before continuing, "Not to make you nervous, but the Russians want you."

All I could do was answer in sarcastic disbelief, "Well, that's just great- but just why would they want a nerdy girl from 72 years in the future? It doesn't add up." My defense mechanism was likely to terribly fail.

Peggy looked me straight in the eyes, annoyance obvious with just that one look. "You do realize you have super soldier genetics, right?"

"I beg your pardon?"

She explained it so casually. "Your father's DNA passed down to you. He's the super soldier, which makes you half. Goodness, Jo, i thought you were smart enought to realize that."

I scoffed, almost offended by my mother's disappointment. "Well, forgive me for not being the brightest one in the car." I sat back, utterly annoyed. God, was there already family bickering? None of this had ever ensued with my foster parents... but for Carolyn and Stephanie. Damn, I'd already forgotten about them. Strange how your life can change so quickly in only a matter of time. I pursed my lips, trying to think of something to say to break the tense silence.

Nothing came to mind.

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