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I hurried passed the sea of students going to prof hanji's office.

And it's all thanks to that damn idiot who followed my RESPONSE!!
Well can I blame him? Maybe. But it was just coincidence right?. UGHHHHH! Could this day be any more worse!

When I was back to my senses and started to walk faster so that eren could not be walking together with me because maybe prof Hanji will not think that we're suspicious.

But when I tried to pass the crowd of students one person bump into me and I slammed to the lockers which hurts soo much. When I looked at who bump or pushed me. I saw Annie.

She was smirking at me like like.................she is a clown. I don't have any word to describe her ok? She's a slut a whore anything that can describe her.

And when I saw her ugly face I didn't know but my hand acted on it's on and slapped her right cheek. Every student that was at the hallway was already crowding at us. I don't know why too but I'm starting to tear up.

It's like everyone is blaming me, it's like................... they are looking at me with those eyes like I just killed an innocent puppy. Since I was born I never tried slapping someone, ever.

My hand sting. She was holding her right cheek which has my hand mark. (Tsssss serves her right)

I was looking at everyone who looked at me with those dirty eyes. I don't care if Annie is one of the popular girl in school because she is pretty. If people would change their beauty by their inner beauty, Annie would be the ugliest.

Annie raised her hand and was going to slap me but the blond haired guy held her hand and stopped her.
I was thankful for that guy.

"EVERYONE OF YOU HERE, GET OUT AND GO HOME! IF YOU MAKE ANY GOSSIPS ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TODAY DONT EXPECT THAT I'LL LET YOU GET AWAY WITH THIS UNHARMED!"The blond guy shouted at the people surrounding us while still holding Annie who was trying to get off his grasp. I was shocked too I thought he was the type of guy who is the soft one but he can also be the hard one.

People started going out of the campus hallway.
When I watched at my right side I saw eren staring like he just saw a ghost.
He turned his attention to the blond guy and said "armin"

Ohh so his name is armin.

When armin looked at eren his angry expression changed into a smile.

"Ohh eren there you are. Don't mind us it's just LQ" he said while placing his free hand behind his head and smiled
" armin I gotta go, talk to you later" eren smiled and knew that armin and Annie needs to be alone.

Eren passed armin and Annie. He held my wrist and dragged me.

"Don't worry I'm not telling this to prof." Eren said softly. I just let him Drag me this time
Our footsteps echoing in the empty hallway. I didn't reply to what he said. I guess I was too traumatized.

We finally arrived to prof. Hanji's office. When we opened the door we saw her drawing all sorts of Titan. (Titan freak)
" you're late" prof. Hanji said while hiding her drawing.

" well you see I was trying to escape but then mikasa saw me and she started chasing me around" eren lied.

Which made me shocked as ever. Is he doing that for me? I remained looking down.

"Mikasa, care to explain? Hmmm" prof. Hanji said
I don't have any choice but to go with the flow and lie.

"Yes, prof. Hanji I was chasing him and it took a while for me to catch him" I said trying to look true as possible
"Very well, besides that. Why on earth do the two of you have the same answers?" Prof. Hanji said curios.
" prof. Hanji I assure you we are not having any special relationships nor are we close to each other. It just so happened coincidentally." Eren said

OUCH...... that hurt me

"Mikasa?" Prof. Looked at me
" nope, I don't have any special ships with him too nor do I live in the same "house" as him". I said stressing the word house.

Prof. Seemed to buy it

"Very well than you may go" prof Hanji said

" thank you prof." We said together.
While we were going out me and eren heard prof. Said "lovebirds" and that's when I walked faster.

" aren't you gonna thank me?" Eren said his two hands at the back of his head.
" thank you" I said sarcastically. Avoiding his eyes.
"TSS." He said.
Moments of silence

When I was thinking of something else I was shocked when eren grabbed my shoulder and pulled me closer to him

"Wha----what are you doing?!"

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