Chapter 1

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Ryan's POV:

“What is wrong with you? Why didn’t you take Lucas along when I told you that his presence with you keeps me at peace?”, I shouted at her while she was busy filing her nails, not paying the least bit of attention to my words. She looked at me at last when I huffed before sitting on the chair in front of her.

She passed me a smirk before saying, “Did you seriously think that you can set one of your minions behind me to report my whereabouts and I wouldn’t know?” I rubbed my face with both my hands before taking her hands in mine and said, “Honey, I am worried about you that's it. After the incident that happened last week, I am not willing to take any risk again when it comes to you.”

She pulled her hands from mine and looked at me with a dead pan look. “Ryan, I am not a kid. I know how to take care of myself and it isn’t that I was all alone. I had Celine along with me.”

I had lost all my patience by then. I got up from the chair and in the next minute I threw it across the room creating a loud thud.

I saw Khloe shifting in her place a bit but she still seemed unfazed. I ran my fingers through my hair and said loudly which caused her to widen her eyes at me.

“I am done having this same argument with you all the time. Can’t you for once just agree to what I am saying? How difficult is it for you to see me happy once?” She stood up from the bed and came towards me with a stern look on her face while gritting her teeth before saying, “Listen Ryan, I am your wife and not one of your stupid colleagues whom you can keeping bossing around with. I told you I don’t want the services of Lucas whom you introduced to me as my bodyguard but I know what he is actually appointed for. I am ‘The Khloe Parker’, a vogue model and also the business tycoon Ryan Parker’s wife. If you think you are smart to hide it from me, then baby I am two steps ahead of you here. And you can’t blame me for all the brains I am using these days because honey, I am learning from the best.”

Before I could even open my mouth to answer, she left the room before passing me a glare. I was speechless when I heard what she had to say.

Did she really think that I appointed someone to report her whereabouts to me? How can she be so naïve?

I love her and all I was trying to do was to ensure her safety. Khloe is one of the most high paid models of vogue and a good reputation in a field like modelling comes with a lot of risks and I am just trying to help her with that.

Lucas has an experience of about 15 years as a bodyguard and he is the best that the agency had. I knew Khloe was just being unreasonable and that she will sober up in a few hours.

She was having a hard time shooting for all the brands back to back that she had signed up for and maybe it was her frustration talking. I sat on the bed while drinking a glass of water but it was doing nothing to clear my already clustered head.

I kept the glass of water on the table and after taking my car keys I left the room to go to the only place that can help me with the burning rage in my head.

It was Sunday and I had returned from my office early when Lucas called me saying that Khloe left the house without taking him along. I had to cancel all my meetings and come running home just to knock some sense into her.

She kept me waiting for two hours even when I called her to come home right then. And how can I forget her ‘I am right and you are wrong’ attitude towards me.

She just can’t listen to me sincerely before telling me how I keep dominating her every time. I was in my car heading to the bar where I have recently started going to grab a few glasses of whiskey and to trynna think straight.

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