Chapter 25

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Ryan’s POV:

I woke up the next morning when the sunlight made its way inside through the curtains. I immediately checked the clock and it was 6:30 in the morning.

I got up from the bed and after freshning up; I made my way towards the gym room. I worked out for an hour and I felt good after getting the pent up frustration out.

When I came back downstairs for having breakfast, Khloe was already sitting at the dining table with a magazine in her hand. “Good morning”, she said when she saw me making my way towards the table.

“Morning. How are you feeling now?”, I asked her while taking a seat opposite her. “I am feeling better now. I feel nauseous but other than that I think I am fine”, she said while passing me a genuine smile.

“I will call Mr. Brown to check you again today. Just to be sure that everything is fine”, I said while putting some fruits in my plate. “I don’t think I need it but still if it keeps you at peace, I am okay with it”, she said while eating her cereal.

I just nodded at her and ate my breakfast in silence while checking my phone. “Ryan, I wanted to tell you something”, she said while resting her hand on mine.

I looked at her and for the first time in so many months, I saw an expression of guilt on her face. “What is it?”, I asked her while pulling my hand away from her touch.

She looked at me once before her eyes focused on someone behind me, causing her to get up from her seat almost immediately. “Look whose here. The slut herself decided to grace us with her presence”, Khloe said loudly, causing me to look behind.

And I was shocked to see Amber standing there, her eyes wide as if she was caught committing a crime. I got up from my chair and stood there, not knowing how to react.

“What are you doing at my house?”, Khloe asked while moving closer to her. Amber looked at me once before focusing her eyes on Khloe and said slowly, “I…I came to return this purse. You left it at the bar yesterday and I thought that you might want it today.”

Khloe stomped towards her and snatched the purse from her hand. “You gave me the purse. Now get the fuck away from here”, Khloe said to Amber, while gritting her teeth.

“Khloe, stop it. She came here to return your purse and look at the way you are treating her”, I interrupted, my eyes splitting into narrow slits. “Well, well, well. I should have expected that you wouldn’t let me insult your mistress. Because of this bitch standing here, you want a divorce with me. Why, Ryan? Because she has better tits or an even better pussy”, Khloe said, standing close to me.

Before I could react to what she just said, Amber spoke loudly, “I had enough of your nonsense, Khloe. Instead of a thank you, this is what I get at the Parker’s. And before you blame me for being the reason for your divorce, let me tell you one thing, I had no hand in it. It is all you. If you so desperately wanted to keep a relationship with Ryan, you should have treated him properly.” Khloe looked at me, her voice loud enough for every servant in my house to leave their work and gather in the living room to see what the commotion was about, “Ryan, get your whore out of my house right now. And what does she even know about us for telling me to treat you properly?”

I had enough of this drama that too early in the morning. I grabbed Khloe by her arm and turned her to face me, “Why were you at the bar yesterday?”

She looked at me as if I had grown two heads before jerking her arm away from me and said, “What do you think, Ryan that you can lie to me and get away with it? The news of you rescuing this bitch from the café and then disappearing for a whole day is all over the town. And you didn’t even bother to come home that night. So I just went to pay my respects to the whore that you were sleeping with.” I was about to knock some senses into Khloe when Amber came next to me and slapped Khloe on her cheek.

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