Chapter 15

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Amber’s POV:

I was looking at Ryan as if I had seen an alien on earth after hearing what he said to the guy who was stalking me since I left Ethan’s house. Was he keeping an eye on me at Ryan’s order?

I didn’t want to jump on any conclusions before hearing what Ryan had to say about it. Ryan pushed me in the back seat of the car and climbed right next to me while the paparazzi came running behind us and started knocking on the tinted windows.

He held my hand tightly and scooted closer to me. “What do you mean that he is fired?”, I asked while looking at him.

Doubt was plastered all over my face. But, he ignored my question and said to the man who was driving, “Samwell, drive us to the property that I bought two weeks before.”

I wanted to grab his face and make him look in my eyes while he answered my question. Now was not the time for him to act oblivious to my words.

His driver gave him a nod and took a left on the crossway where we were supposed to take a right to be at my place. “Stop ignoring me, Ryan”, I said furiously while attempting to lose my hand from his grip.

He looked at me with a serious look on his face and this caused me to stop trying in my already vain attempt of avoiding contact. “I had appointed him to look after you. But as I did see, he was incapable to carry out his duties and so I don’t need him anymore”, he said blatantly as if there was nothing wrong in it.

I turned to look at him and said almost unbelievably, “Didn’t I tell you that I don’t need any bodyguard? I saw him in the parking area at Ethan’s place and he was following me since then. I thought he was some nasty stalker and can you even imagine how fucking scared I was? I literally had to drive at a nuts speed just to lose him behind.” I wiped the imaginary sweat forming on my forehead while sighing in relief.

Ryan had an amused look on his face before he spoke, “I had to appoint someone to ensure that you were safe no matter how brave you think you are. But now I think that I shouldn’t have fired him because you were the one who didn’t let him protect you. And also I think I overestimated myself when I thought that I could fool you by appointing security in casuals. I failed to make it less obvious.” I just blushed at his words before focusing on the road ahead.

My eyes then focused on the man in the passenger seat who had a revolver resting in his waist gun holster belt. I looked at the revolver before looking at Ryan wanting to ask him if it was real.

He answered my unasked question by nodding his head and this just made my eyes turn big in surprise. I couldn’t contain my excitement any longer and without even thinking about the result of my actions I scooted to the edge of my seat.

I poked the guy in the shoulder and this caused him to turn around with a smug expression on his face. He looked dead serious and his eyes showed that he didn’t appreciate me touching him.

I pointed at his revolver and then raised my eyebrows before asking him, “Isn’t that a Smith & Wesson Model 29? Oh my god! It is so gorgeous. Can I hold it once? I swear I won’t even touch the trigger but I just want to see how it feels in my hand. I have never seen a revolver this close to me before. Please?” He looked at me as if I was a fool but I didn’t fail to catch that look of surprise on his face when he heard the name of his revolver from my mouth.

I smirked at him once before he focused his attention on the road ahead, completely ignoring my plea. I sat deeper in my seat, feeling completely dejected while folding my hands on my chest.

I could see from the corner of my eyes that Ryan was laughing at the little stunt that I had just pulled. “He is rude and scary”, I said while pouting.

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