3-First Meetings

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(a/n) so this is gonna be a thingymicblobby bout when The Rosaine's meet Luke Ben and Jack they came over and yatta yatta so enjoy!
( Alaska's POV )
My eyes were watery I was gonna miss Perth not the one in Australia it was Perth, Scottland I never really caught on to their lingo because i was born and spent two years in America my dad is full American well he was original from Syndey we called ourselves the nomad family.
We all moved to Whales then back to Perth to complicated yes but either way i was sad to leave my home.
" Al " Ariel said it she was about almost two and very intelligent and she only called me Al. " you done packing Ari?" i asked her wiping my tears she nodded. " Gonna long ride?" she managed those words. " yeah!" i laughed.
We all piled into a car after saying bye to the house before putting in my earphones my dad looked at me " look Al i would do anything to bring Adromeda back.." he said looking at me. Couldn't even say mom could you. A tear slipped my cheek and i looked away.
My mom commited suicide saying it was me she struggled with a some sort of shizaphrania and depression almost went to get a lobotomy when she was younger.
She was happy some times those times i cherished. " Al we're here.." i hear my dad's voice we were leaving the car into the hands of someone else. I carried Ariel who was sleeping.
We boarded our flight and we waited for like forever Ariel and my dad were next to me i went on my phone and looked through my old pictures.
I fell asleep and before i knew it Sydney National Airport. The hot air hit me like a wrecking ball no pun indended good thing i wore light tights.
I took off my hoodie exposing my lace dress it wasn't all lace just the outer layer of the dress.
We waited for awhile and then took a cab to a house i really loved how it looked. "home?" Ariel pulled on my arm. " Yeah.." i say. My dad knocks on the door and there was a teenage boy blonde hair swept to the side. His blue eyes looked at me widened then softened " Mum they're here!" He shouted. " Michael get out of my fridge!" he said after wards. I giggled
There came the woman my dad described " Daniel!" she smiled and hugged him she looked at me " Alaska is it?" she said. " um...it's Al or Ally" i say in the most polite way possible." Liz" she smiled i felt a warm lump in my throat I was about to cry because i finally have a mum who loves me. " oh come here dear!" she smiles and i hugged her
We soon went inside. " Luke!" she called out there were two middle aged men and down came the blonde boy. " Meet your new Step sisters Ally and Ariel.." she said. They all introduced themselves then there was a silence. " name's Luke" he said coldly before running upstairs. " Luke!" Liz called. " sorry about him.. i gotta go mum Daniel bye now!" Jack said he hugged Ariel and I then left soon Ben did too.
Ariel soon disapeared with Liz and dad so that left me by myself wandering the house. I went upstairs and heard through a door " Is she hot?" Someone said. " She had pink hair and green eyes and sort of a Scottish accent.." i heard another voice.
" Why don't you like them?" I heard another " it's not that i don't like them Calum it's that i don't want my whole family to change.." i heard. I soon got bored of the conversation and sat on a stair step. " I'm going to take a-" i heard. " no need to tell us Michael!" i heard i giggled and started to look around.
The door opened and i met the gaze of a sort of transparent green. " hello" he said retracting slowley from the door. " Michael you must be?" he started. " Al-ly Ally" i said he looked at me " full name.." he said. " oh! Alaska.." i smiled. " so you're Luke's step sister nice hair by the way.." he said eyeing my pink hair. " um yeah and thanks!" i cheered " I'm thinking 'bout dyeing mine soon. " he continued " cool!" i said " well don't be shy go in!" he looked at the door i shook my head, " nah I'm just going to wait sk.." i say patting the staircase. He grabbed my arm at first, shocked i jerked " sorry.." i said he grabbed my arm again opened the door and pushed me in.
" Michael!" i shrieked all eyes on me my whole body function stopped. " uhm erm hi" i say playing with the tips of my hair. " Cal Ash meet my step sister Ally" Luke pointed at me. " I'm Calum!" said the tanned skin one. " Ash-ton Ashton" said the other one with a sort of blonde aubrn dirty blonde hair i don't really know, but i liked the color.
" Alaska, Ally for short.." i say. " so you're from Perth isn't that in Australia?" Calum asked. " well yeah but the one in Scottland. " i said. " oh cool but how come you have an e-" Ashton started. " long story short i travel more than most.." i cut him off.
I bit my lip " Could someone show me the bathroom?" i asked. " LUKE CAN!!" they chorused soon Luke was pushed towards me. " sorry they're dumbasses.." he said he led me to the bathroom and i went inside i lifted my dress to show bruises. i quickly pulled it down stupid ex-boyfriend.
I went back into the room and sat down. " So Alaska tell us about you.." Michael said, i gulped " everything?" i say. " yes.." Ashton says. " well....My name is Alaska Lee Rosaine born in Missouri United States on September 6, 1996 um...my mom was troubled and soon after giving birth to my sister commited suicide. Uh i dyed my hair i guess and um oh i had a boyfriend who was really dangerous well abusive and yeah.." i say almost whispering the last part.
" you sure thats all?" Calum asked. " there is one thing.." i say. " i was born prematurly and my mum was alcholic so my organs don't function so right my dad wanted to go somewhere well my heart health would be good. And thats about it.." i say. They looked at me " feel sorry for me and I'll make sure you know how i can use a bow and arrow." i pointed out " ok then miss " Ashton smiled.
" Well then.." i sit down. " we're in a band" Luke blurts out. " really?" i smirk( a/n: i think about that frozen moment with 'Sven' Christoff really and Olaf i have no idea why)
" yeah!" Calum cheers. " show me!" i smile " to the cave!" Michael shouts. " it's really a garage come!" Ashton smiles he runs after Michael and Calum follows. Luke extends his hand at me " you ok? or are you deaf or just not coming?" Luke asked me i flashed a smile and accepted his hand he surprised me and started to run. " Luke!" i said as i tripped on the stairs falling on him. We landed on the floor himwas on me and was close.
we stared at each other until he stands on his elbows then gets up "sorry.." I groan in pain " owe!" " here.." he says. Luke's arm wraps around me and i jerk slightly " I'm sorry and I'm really fine.." i say getting up and walking with him to the so called 'cave' " ok.." i sit on the brown couch. " show me what y'all got.." i smile. " ok ASHTON HIT IT!" Luke says in a 'pretend-to-be-in-an-actual-show' tone. Luke ends up being the only one strumming and looks around " why again is he the lead singer?" Calum looks at Michael and Michael shrugs
That my friends is how 5sos decided their lead singer. " ok lets start this is um HeartBreak Girl?" Luke asks " yep!" Calum says.
" Heartbreak Girl!"
They sing I stand there in awe " you better not forget me!" i say. They cock a brow " forget stunning green eyes and pink hair i think not!" Ashton says " really what about Swedish girls?" i smirk " that goes beyond the line!!" Calum says. " nah, i think its safe to call you guys friends! " i smile " YAAAY!!" Michael says in the derpiest way possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2015 ⏰

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