School time

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Seito and I made it to school just in time. We said bye to Kotori and Neko and ran into the building and adventually said by to each other to leave to our classes. I went to my homeroom and sat down in the seat at the back of the room that was next to the window. Kids started to fill the room and I sighed and looked out the window to see a dog sitting outside. There was something off about its presence though I can't quite explain it though. 

"Hey Kanari whats going on?" I heard a girl say I turned to see that the voice belonged to a nice tall girl named Bukiyona. 

"Oh hey I was just looking at that dog out their it seems... I guess a bit strange," I said pointing at the dog.

"Oh well did you hear that we got a new student I hear he's really cute and in our homeroom," Bukiyona said and I smiled. 

"Really thats awesome we never get new students," I said just as the teacher came in and told us all to be seated. 

"Class I would like to introduce a new student," The teacher said as Bukiyona sat in the desk infront of me. 

"Everyone please meet Seito Shiken," The teacher and I automatically sat up in my chair to find myself staring at Seito, the same Seito that became my new friend. He saw me and his face lit up.

"Hello everyone nice to meet you! Teacher can I sit by Kanari please?" Seito said making everyone turn to look at me.

"Sure is she a friend of yours?" The teacher asked and Seito nodded as he made his way to the back of the room to where I was.

So why didn't you tell me you were new? I thought knowing Seito could hear me.

"I didn't want to tell you thats why," Seito whispered to me once he got to his seat.

I giggled as the teacher read off the morning announcements. So we're officially friends now right? I thought and Seito nodded making me smile.

Can I see your scedual? I asked and Seito dug it out of his bag and handed it to me. I read it over and saw that we had most of our classes together except for PE and he was taking multimedia while I have art. We have most of our classes together except for PE and you have multimedia while I have art.

"Awesome," He said smiling. The teacher dismissed us to talk or do whatever till the bell rang so I handed Seito back his scedual.

"Next we have Math which is down the hall a ways. Neko always sits outside of the window so I usually sit near the tree window. Just incase you want to know," I said and Seito nodded. 

"So is Neko your bird?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No he just hangs around me and Kotori he lives in the tree by te park," I said.

"Oh I live near the park,"

"Really so do I which house is yours?" 

"The little red one thats a block or so down from the park," 

"No way I live in the cream house next to that house," I said 

"Seriously I thought that lady lived there alone, but then again I did hear a scream from that house this morning," I froze.

"Y-you heard a scream?" i asked nervously. Did I really scream that loudly? I thought and Seito looked at me surprised.

"It was you! Why did you scream? It sounded like someone was being murdered," Seito Said and I covered his mouth with my hand. 

"It was just a nightmare I have it all the time," I said nonchantly like it was nothing.

"What was it about?" He asked and i looked at him.

Do you really want to know? He nodded. I sighed and imagined the nightmare in my head so he could see it. Once it was over he looked at me fear showing clearly on his face. 

"Thats horrible! What does it mean?" He asked as the bell rang. I shrugged and we walked to our next class together in silence.

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