The nightmare has arrived

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"Aaah Kanari what an nice surprize," The person said and I took a step back. I showed Seito who the person by replaying the nightmare I had and he stood a little taller to look meaner.

"What do you want Jaaku?" I said glaring at the person. She was a pretty blonde girl with blue eyes and wasn't that much taller than me. She had glasses on, dark skinny jeans,and a purple jacket with a white wolf shirt on under. She seems nice but one glance at her sent shivers down my spine.

"I just wanted to say hi to my old friend. Can I not do that?" Jaaku asked innocently. 

"Not since that day you can't," I basically snarrled at her not even wanting to think of that day.

"Come on that was the past. Its not like I killed you," She said her face showing pure innocence making me want to smack the look off of her to show Seito her true self. 

"Ya well you sure tried!!!" I screamed at her and she took a step back at my hostile outburst, "I don't even want you to come around and act like what you did was nothing! It was not and you and i both know it!" I continued and Jaaku looked shocked, but soon her face morphed into its true form. A evil smile was drawn in place of her wide shocked mouth and her eyes narrowed into little daggers. I used all my being not to cringe at the sight of her true form. 

"Kanari come on now you know we will always be friends," She said taking a step towards me and I clutched onto Seito's arma and he instantly stiffened up. "Little boy if you know whats good for you you will move out of the way," Jaaku snarrled at Seito, and I looked at her and remembered her power that she posses. I let go of Seito's arm and gave him a slight shove.

Go if she gets mad you won't survive and I don't want you to get hurt. I thought and Seito gave me a worried glance which I could only match with a tender look back, I promise I'll be fine. I thought back reassuringly.

He nodded and head to the group of trees near by. I turned back to Jakku who was smiling.

"You've finally learned the true power of my strength haven't you?" She said and I glared at her. "You know you actually are the bad guy here considering what you did-" 

"That was not my fault you two tricked me and I got scared and can you blame me?!?" I snapped and she just glared at me to shut me up.

"It was a joke but you turned it into a bloody nightmare!" She hissed at me, "He would still be here if you didn't have to get all defensive and sick your 'little' friend on him!"

"He was wearing a mask Jaaku! I didn't know who either of you were! Also Tora was just as scared as me she didn't deserve to be killed! She was just following orders-" I spouted off in Jaaku's face and she silenced me with her stair once again.

"I know I know. I didn't expect for you to react as badly, and I was sad and confused so the only thing that sounded logical was to punish someone. I reacted on impulse just like you did," Jaaku said sounding calmer.

"Ya well then why did you drag it on and try to kill me as well!?!" I said with a loud and harsh tone.

"My brother just died and I was upset and killing Tora didn't seem like enough punishment. I was mad and wanted revenge but i was wrong to try that," Jaaku said tears starting to form in her eyes.

"I didn't mean to kill him!" I said back and Jaaku's heas snapped in my direction and her eyes glowed showing that I struck a nerve. I felt my body begin to freeze as she was taking control. Oh no! No no no no no! I screamed in my head as my body was lifted from the ground. I was whisked to a tree and thudded into its rough side. I fell to the ground as she let me go from her grasp.

"Shut up! I know you didn't! I didn't come here to talk about this so will you just listen and shut up?" Jaaku screamed at me. I looked at her seeing her eyes glowing a bright red and I had no choice but to nod. If I didn't she would kill me.

"Thank you!" She huffed and sighed trying to compose herself. "I was actually wanting to know if you and your mom had a place that I could stay because my house in Chiku San burnt down and I don't have any where to go," Jakku looked at me basically pleading with her, no longer glowing, eyes.

I looked at her surprized that she came to me for help. "Uhh.... I-I guess we have a spare room in our house," I said not wanting to start up the fight again. 

"Yay your such a great friend!" Jaaku said running over to hug me, "You still live in the same place right?"

"Ya," I answered and Jaaku pulled me up by the arm and pulled me in the direction of my house.

"She is a strange character," Neko said fluttering over to me.

"Oh ya and Seito saw the whole thing he wanted me to tell you that he would just follow you and Jakku home to make sure you were safe," Kotori said following  beside me.

I looked back to see Seito walking a ways behind us and I smiled at him and he gave a warm smile back. I'm glad I have a friend like you. I thought and Seito just shrugged still smiling. I was dragged the rest of the was home and waved at Seito as he reached his house. Lets hope Jaaku is not just playing me I thought as I entered the house with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2012 ⏰

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