Pt. 1: Winter

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"Boruto," Sumire called gently, gripping onto the sleeve of his jacket

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"Boruto," Sumire called gently, gripping onto the sleeve of his jacket.

He turned to face her, blinking a bit before smiling. "Sumire! There you are!"

She smiled at him softly, playing with her braids before looking up into his familiar eyes. " safe, okay?"

His lips set into a straight line, and he nodded. "You got it, class rep!" She couldn't help but notice his blonde hair follow the breeze's movement, and her eyes traced it unknowingly.

With that, he turned on his heel and walked ahead of her, unaware of Sumire's lingering hand. "Be safe...for me," she whispered, her eyes staring at his fading back.

Her light was going away, and the cold winds of winter began to hit her. She would stumble without his pillar to support her bridge. He was the star in her nightmares, and he was leaving her shivering form in the depths of the icy snow.

Cold, was what she thought. He was so cold.

 He was so cold

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