CHAPTER FIVE: trouble in paradise

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          *really short authors note*
p.s the story is still in this chapter so no worries

                   facts of vampires

The fastest way to kill a vampire
is to stake him in the heart.

vampires can also be repelled by holy water and the holiest of highpriest.

this are all facts i learnt while watching "THE PRIEST
I personally this this chapter is shitty
probably because i didnt edit and i was in a kind of hurry because i had ICT ( information and communication technology) training i am still pretty young but during this quarantine i have to aquire knowledge on some thing and i chose computer tech( crazy right), any way back to the story


      " you know that saying, enjoy peace while it lasts, well this is our situation,

say our because somehow, after mathais got into a fight or two( possibly three) we all got detension, i mean, I, marcus, matt, ava and bianca, and what did we do, just tried to seperate those fights  (good on the 3 day of school, i got detension)

        " so now we are in the library, arranging books instead of being in class"

danielle's pov

   "can  you guys quit sulking and actually start arranging the books

but we didnt do anything wrong and we are being punished in this library, could my day be any better. ava muttered sarcastically

   " and we are meant to be in class, writing some notes and flirting with cute boys. bianca chipped in

  " and we will get to class faster if we hurry up and finish the arranging this bloody books, i exclaimed.
sometimes they complain too much that they actually forget to do what they ought to do*facepalm*

    after a while of arranging books and dusting shelves, marcus suddenly called out to us

ava pov

" hey guys come over here quick, marcus said amusingly

   like omg, why does he have to be so loud, and my head hurts, i wonder how class would be right now, i have never had detension, and what does marcus want, urrrrgggh

  ok went to my friends and found marcus holding a grey book, it looked like some sort of ancient book on vampires.
it has nothing to do with me
even though one of my best friends is a vampire, but still * scoffs*

     before i could stop my self i blurted out " um, how is this going to get us out of detension
something is really wrong with me

it took you long enough to figure that out ava mc°queen

who is speaking,i said again in my head

your brain you dummy, sometimes i wish i was another persons brain

is that even possible i asked my "brain"

does it matter

  lets just take a look, biance said solemnly, redrawing me from the conversation i had with my brain

  "whatever what does it even say

well, danielle started clearing her throat " vampires has been in existence since 1200 BC, you readers might be wondering why, well i was the first vampire that came from hell, yes hell, well it doesnt mean you will all go to hell, no, if you are good u go to abbys which is like a little heaven, but we cant enter the real heaven because we are regarded as sin, i was formed from the first mating of a fallen angel and a human, you might now be wondering why i am from hell, you see, when my father heard about me, he knew he was being sent to hell so he took me along where i spent 3,269 thousand years in before i was released it felt like only a day in hell"   danielle stopped and we all glanced at each other before she continued

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