1.fear is a spirit of torment neither does it come from God and is not the spirit of God
2.god who gives joy and gladness
3.do not drink wine or strong drink and he shall be filled with the holy ghost
4.jesus is the son of the HIGHIEST
5.to magnify God
6.your spirit will rejoice with God .God will rejoice in you
7.Luke 1:77 KJV
To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission at of their sins,.8.to perform mercy unto the pepole of God becouse your father which is in heaven is merciful and to remember his holy covenant
9.god would grant unto us that we being delivered out of the hand of our enimies might serve him without fear .in holiness and righteousness before him
10.from the tender mercies of God
whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us11.to give light unto the pepole that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death .God guides our feet in the way of peace
12.the angel is faces there faces are shrone in glory .the glory is the reflection and the image of God
13.the multitude of the heavenly host PRAISING GOD and with singing
14. As you continue in warship worthy onto the father .warship him with praising giving thanks blessing him making his name holy glorify him and continue to lift him up seek his face continually and seek his strength
15.kneel unto him this is worthy of warship .this is worthyness full of honor and courage and strong In faith .kneel unto him with compassion love twords the father making him great who is the impossible who will guide your feet who fights for you who deleivers you out of the hand of your enimies who brought you out of the land of Egypt from slavery who gives you life who created the entire universe who saved you bringing his son warship him who is able to give you power who is able to bless you with the kingdom who DELEIVERED his son to live in us bless him who sactifies us clean who washes our consience with good then evil bless him who lifts you up who makes your face to shine who knew you before you were created bless him for he had given you everything he had kindness peace love faith good all dwell in you from him and of him .who thought you how to move mountains casts out devils raise the dead .bless him who wants you to do greather that you will do greather works who makes you whole by faith .he is worthy to be praise bless him who makes you holy through him who is your deleiverer your bucklar your shield your horn of salvation your righteousness he is your truth bless him who became your light manifest and your radiance that outshines from you .lift up hands thanking him God who wants to bless you who is our giver and our king .bless him who can give you a new spirit who created new Earth's and new heavens .bless him who walks with you were ever you go and who will never leave you even in difficulty .bless him who called us the light of the world and stars .bless him for his son prayed for us to become one before he had died who sacrificed his life for all and all to live and have life through him .bless him who became are armour of light and our sun
16.when god loves you he loves you out of care .out of care is out of kindness out of joy out of gentleness out of goodness who is a rightous judge and his son who is a righteous king who sactifies the earth with his power washes the earth with his love .he renews the earth is ground through and with the power of his strength .he pours on the power of his strength on the weak and on the strong the poor and the rich .god loves blessing his people anoints them and realeases the blessings.he wraps them in his joy for joy is your strength he wraps us in his supernatural genetics altering our well being in the radiance the glory of the son jesus christ who is the face of glory our fire and our light .god wraps us In his spirit of peace becouse he cares for us who takes our pain or sufferings he bears casting out our axieties but God is testing us everyday through our faith what are we willing to do for others on selflessness spreading his kingdom doing onto the least for god is kingdom for his people god works on blessings and activations and testing those to see how much they trust him who can see the truth from their heart