Worship You

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Greek kind of gods and goddesses AU and murder mystery!

In the quiet night, a flutter of wings broke the silence, followed by the crunch of autumn leaves that were scattered across the deserted temple courtyard, made by a certain goddess with a flowing dress landing from her flight.

Luna looked up to see the grand temple, void and empty, the sight of it even more ominous in the night .

She waved a glowing hand, setting alight the torches lining the temple walls and halls with her magic, lighting the temple, revealing their intricate mythical carvings and fine ornamentation.

Her heart sank at what she saw.

A body, another body, and then another body. Countless corpses laid strewn across the steps of the temple, the expressions on their face frozen in complete terror of whatever unknown horror they had seen. Their bodies were spotless and pale, as if they were simply marble statues that were newly finished.

The moon goddess had expected the bodies and the lack of blood made the scene much more easier to stomach but Luna still felt sick to the core.

It was her temple and worshippers after all, now stained and scarred by the mysterious events that had occured on its sacred steps.

Suddenly, a dark haired man, equipped with thick armour and a cape of wolf hide, emerged from the shadows, appearing beside her as he examined the scene before him.

He flinched at what he saw but something else bothered him more.

He turned to Luna with scarlet concerned eyes. " Are you alright, Lady Luna?"

Luna held in a breath, releasing it slowly as she nodded." I am, Lord Sombra. Come, let us enter the temple."

Luna and Sombra walked passed the bodies that gave blank, empty eyes staring at them as they crossed.

They kept their eyes on the entrance.

This wasn't the only temple affected, it was only the most recent one. Multiple temples were targeted in a similar manner, with equally as many bodies killed with the same disturbing way in the dead of night. As such, Lord Sombra of fear and war, was chosen for his ability and knowledge of magic and sorcery of all kinds, along with Lady Luna of the moon, for her skills and dominion over the night. But more importantly however, was that the fact that murders had occured only at their temples.

They walked through the temple halls and Sombra gazed at the various mural walls of Luna in different mythologies. There was one of her weaving stars with a celestial loom, another one of her painting the sky midnight blue with a ethereal brush.

A soft blush grew on his face as he admired one mural from another. They had depicted their goddess well.

Luna on the other hand did not pay much attention to the walls, walking ahead to the centre of the temple that was illuminated by an open skylight from the tall ceiling by moonlight.

Instead, her attention was on the lone body of a woman lying before Luna's altar on her back. Her face was just as terror stricken as the rest and skin nearly bleached colourless as well. She was dressed in a flowing dark blue robe adorned with silver motifs of the night and stars. The hood of her robe laid behind her pale pink neck, revealing deep purple hair that glowed like a twilight sky. A decorated staff topped with a gold crescent moon laid beside the woman, her lifeless hand close to it but never quite touching it. It was as if in her final moments, she laid dying, about to reach the staff but a terrible death reached her first instead.

Luna crouched beside the body, brushing her cheek with the most delicate of touches but Luna touched dust instead for the body dissolved at the goddess's first touch.

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