In The Castle

385 15 4

Beauty and the beast kinda thing? Humanised

As Luna travelled deeper into the dark forest, she gripped the dagger on her side as she reminded herself why she was here.

Get the monster, get the bounty and get out of here. She told herself in her head.

The huntress looked up to see she had arrived in front of a towering castle that looked centuries old with its ancient architecture and chipped away colours. The moonless night did not help its haunting image but she steeled herself.

She pushed past the lofty, creaky gates and entered, thoughts of how she was going to kill the mysterious beast.

The villagers had described a monster that was huge, with a form as dark as the night and eyes as red as the blood of the villagers it had killed.

Luna herself was not phased too much by the description. She simply chalked up their vivid description of it to paranoia and irrationality.

Probably some large Timberwolf or a Ursa Major of sorts. She figured. But something deep down told her to be on her guard.

The villagers told her that the monster dwelled in a castle that belonged to a long gone royal family. Once she brought them its head, she will be rewarded a rather hefty bounty.

" No beast head, no money." The villager elder had told her.

She looked up at the ominous castle.

Get the bounty and get out of here. She repeated to herself.

She opened the castle door to see the grand foyer with a large stairwell that led upstairs.

Luna crept up silently, trying to pick up any sounds that indicated the beast's whereabouts but nothing came.

She relaxed a bit and took in the interior of the place. The walls of the grand foyer had wallpaper that peeled all the way to the floor, its carpet was filled with years-worth of dust and grime and the tall arch windows were wore down by the natural elements. She peered out a nearby window, seeing the overgrown flora creeping up the castle, as if reclaiming the old architecture as it's own.

Not a very nice castle, as far as she could tell.

A strong wind howled from behind and Luna felt the air chill to a shivering cold.

She grasped the fabric of her cloak tighter but before she could turn, she was slammed to the floor by a large, heavy creature.

The monster!

She scrambled to the weapon by her waist but she felt a hand grab both of her wrists tightly, forcing her arms down to the carpeted floor.

Panic and confusion shot through her.

This isn't a animal.

Luna grunted, lifting her legs to kick the beast away with all her strength. The figure reeled back and she quickly got up, grabbing the dagger by her side as she did and charged at the monster.

The beast roared, attempting to deflect her attack with its arm but she stabbed her dagger into its arm, dragging it across the length of its arm before swiftly pulling out the tainted metal to let blood flood out of the wound.

It staggered back, to which she wrestled the large beast down with her whole weight, pinning it to the floor. She held her dagger high above the air and thrusted it down to its chest but it's steel tip trembled inches away from its target, for the beast had seized Luna's arm with its own bloody arm.

She widened her eyes but grunted, snatching her arm out from its grasp and swung again, only to hit nothing as she fell to the floor onto her knees.

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