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Hayrah's P.O.V

No work today because earlier today Hajiya called me, she said something about traveling. Am the happiest actually because am lecture free so I have the time to visit my friend.

" Mama sai na dawo" ( mama till I come back), am on my way to Nafeesarh's house to pay her a visit since she has been complaining for a long time. It's actually a surprise visit since she isn't aware.

" Salam alaikum " I said.

"Walikumu salam, is this Hayrah that am seeing" Umma said.
" Yes umma it is me, Good Afternoon" I greeted her
" Afternoon my child, how have you been" she asked me.
"Fine Umma"
" your friend is in her room sleeping " she informed me after I asked her about Nafeesarh.

I smiled mischievously as I saw Nafeesarh sprawled on the bed, time for revenge I see.

" Heys wake up" I said sprinkling the water I got from the bathroom on her.

" Inalillahi waina ilaihi rajiun" she said as she woke up, I couldn't help but laugh at her expression.
" Wallahi Hayrah nothing will stop me from dealing with you this minute" she said angrily, I couldn't help but continue laughing at her face.

" I am sorry girl, I tried waking you up but you were sleeping like sack" I said after I have calmed down.

" Did you just call me sack" she said narrowing her eyes at me.

"Ohhh my bad, did I? No I didn't"I answered widening my eyes in fake surprise.

"Yes you did"

"No I didn't"

"Yes you did"

"No I didn't"

"Yes you did"

" Whatever" I said giving up, "forgive me please" I said with my best puppy eyes.

" You are forgiven just because you came" she said smiling
"Imma go and freshen up"she added going into the bathroom, as i sat looking at her amusedly.

" So, we haven't talked for a while, what has been going on?" Nafeesarh said.

" Well you already know it's nothing, I just go to work that's all" I answered her.

" Hayrah when are you stopping this work neh, I know ya Ammar has told you to stop this work but your stubbornness is too much, the way you are, you can get husband and get married anytime, please think about it and don't forget you're in school too, I think you're stressing yourself" she said at once.

What she just said reminded me of my conversation with ya Ammar yesterday.

"Hayrah you already know what am about to say it's about the matter of you working. Honestly I don't like it, you should think about it please. You're stressing yourself."He said

"OK Nafeesahtu where's our boyfriend?"I said smirking.
"Hmmmm"she sighed.

" What is it" I asked her.

" We broke up yesterday, and I don't think am ready to mingle anytime soon" she said sadly.

" But what did he do" I asked her.
" You know Humaira in our school right? Can you believe the son of a bitch has been going out with her all this while. She's his girlfriend and to him
am the side chick" she said chuckling at the end.

" I wish I can see him to give him a piece of my mind" I said.

" Don't worry girl, is like I never loved him maybe we were just deceiving ourselves in the name of love, no Netflix, no chocolates, nothing nothing, I didn't even feel heart broken"She said and we just laughed it off.

" Keh see this fine boy" Nafeesarh said showing me the picture of a boy on Instagram as she was scrolling through.

" Nafeesarh, you just finished talking about your boyfriend or should I say ex boyfriend that broke with you" I said looking at her with pure surprise.

" God Hayrah, this one is out of this world" she said sighing dreamily, well I wasn't interested .


" Am bored, what should we do" Nafeesarh said after we finished catching up.

" I think we should bake, it has been long since we baked" I said.

" Ya Allah, I must snap this cake, it looks so out of this world. God Hayrah the credit goes to you, your husband is so damn lucky",she said snapping our carrot cake.


Did I hear her just say husband?
Not even mama or ya Ammar?
This girl has finally lost it, not anytime soon.

Did I hear her just say husband?Not even mama or ya Ammar?This girl has finally lost it, not anytime soon

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We finished our cake and I got ready to go home.
" Umma am leaving " I said to Umma.
" OK Hayrah till we see you again and greet your mother for me please it has been long"she smiled.
I chuckled at that, they actually mer last three days and she's already saying long. "Insha Allah umma i will".

" OK Bye girlfriend,call me when you reach home please" Nafeesarh said  giving me her last hug as she calls it.

"Salam alaikum"

I said as I entered the house.

"Walaikumu salam"
Ya Ammar answered me.

" Hey baby sis" he said smiling softly.

" Holla big bro" I answered back.

I sat close to him on the mat he was sitting.
" Ya Ammar where's mama" I asked him.
" She went out to Maman Husna's house to greet her, but she's coming back now" he said.

" Ya Ammar you haven't been telling me about your life, what's going on neh" I asked him.

" Hayrah what do you think is going on? Nothing actually, just work,work and work" he said.

" OK tell me about your girlfriend " I said smiling cheekily.

" Girlfriend you said? There's nobody, you know am not ready for that " he chuckled.

" Are you sure?" I asked him
" Am so sure Hayratu" he said "and what about you, don't tell me there's somebody because I must deal with that person", he added frowning at the end.

I laughed, "Ya Ammar kenan trust me there's no one and if there is, trust me you would have been the first to know".
" It better be " he said smiling.
" How's does it feel being a teacher " I asked him.

" Well it's actually amazing, impacting knowledge and all those things, even though am looking for a better job day and night, I drop my credentials everywhere hoping to get a job. But you know the issue of our country, you have to give bribe or you have to know someone in higher place to get the job for you, just help me with prayers " he concluded.
" Insha Allahu you're always in my prayer" I said

Welcome to Nigeria, a country full of youths doing nothing. And yet tomorrow they still complaining of kidnaps, rapes e.t.c when the major problem of the country is joblessness.
Had it been the youths are working, kidnapping wouldn't have been an option for them to start doing. But NO in Nigeria you must be rich to get.

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