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Hajiya was standing angrily, looks like she has been waiting for a while from the way she's hyperventilating.

Na'im parked the car in front of her and we all got down." Good evening umma" Na'im greeted her. " Evening" she mumbled.
" I will leave now, i have somewhere to go, bye" he hurriedly said. Guess no one wants to be with an angry Hajiya.
" you this idiot girl so you think you can go out at anytime you wish right, who gave you the right to go out without my permission, if you don't need this job anymore just tell me, there are million of people out there looking for job and you are here playing with the one you have, don't you know we are helping your miserable life by offering you this job right now"

Safna sighed from behind me " Am sorry Umma, i asked her to escort me" why i couldn't utter anything. " Shut up right now, you asked her to escort you because you employed her right? No wonder she has been misbehaving since you came back to this house, try any nonsense and see the way i can fling her out of this house right this moment, there are many maids in this house but she is the only one misbehaving. Who does she think she is?"

" Am so sorry Hajiya, i promise this won't never repeat itself. But we went out after i finished cooking lunch". Hajiya eyed me " whatever, but you have to know this is the last time i will be tolerating you going out without telling me especially if you want to escort her then tell me" . " Finally" i heard Safna mumbled silently behind me. " Safna am going out and you don't have to cook dinner today" Hajiya said as she made her way to the garage.

Safna turned to look at me " Am so sorry Hay for always putting you in trouble", i chuckled " Saf i told you am already used to it, besides she said i should always tell her when we are going out together" i smiled  at her.

" ok let's go to my room since you aren't cooking dinner and I promise to take you home before she comes back please don't say no". I sighed " ok just two hours let's go" as she immediately dragged me upstairs to her room.

We started watching a horror movie on Netflix with her shouting and me laughing at her silliness because she suggested the movie. Someone barged into the room " Safna i told you not to carry the Laptop" he said with his strong accent. I raised my eyes and was met with that mesmerizing eyes once again.

"Walaikumu salam to you too brother" she sarcastically said looking at him.


" whatever i just need my laptop right now and God save you, you saved the project i was working on". She smiled sheepishly " Yes i saved it" , "my bad where are my manners Hayrah this is my brother Aman".

But he told me his name is Muhammad!!!

" Hi" i finally said and he just nodded his head and went out of the room. Safna chuckled " Don't mind him Hayrah that's how he is to new people" i just smiled at her.

He's acting as if we haven't met before.

" Let me call Ya Aman to drop us the drivers went out and some have gone already" she said as she made her way to his apartment. It's late and i want to go home already, Safna insisted on taking me home because she doesn't want what happened last time to happen again but she still doesn't know that her brother saved me.

I saw as they made there way to the garage and he immediately frowned as he saw me, he's wearing a hoodie again thankfully not black.

Poor heart crushing on what it can never have!!!

We entered his car i guess because it was smelling of his Cologne masha Allah. Safna sat at the passenger seat while i sat the at the back.

" Ya Aman please let's stop at that ice-cream parlor" she said immediately we got out of the gate.

He briefly looked at her and nodded his head while she squealed on her seat.

This is going to be one hell of a ride!!!

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