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Hermiones POV
Me Harry and Ron were running through some unknown woods after just apparating about 5 minutes ago. I was quite far behind from Harry and Ron but all I wanted to do was ensure that they got away even if I got caught in the middle of it. I had never ran so far in my life while firing all sorts of stunning spells behind me I would occasionally hear the grunt and the thud of snatcher but I could also hear the chains and ropes that were flying past my head. I knew at any moment I could be captured I just hoped that Ron and Harry could get away in time...

I felt the chains wrap around my legs before I could even register what was going on I was mid jump over a tree stump when the chains wrapped around my legs like angry snakes,I cried out as I hit the ground with a thud I could hear the distant cries of Harry and Ron "Hermione? Hermione where are you?!"
All I could do was shout "Run!" Before a snatcher by the name of fenrir Greyback clapped his hand on my mouth. I desperately tried to escape flailing my arms but that only made his death grip tighter. I could tell the snatchers had given up due to the amount that were surrounding me one had a note book and pen and was looking through the names that were listed until he shouted "oi I think we've found the mudblood that was seen travelling with Harry Potter, and gibeon found a sword too and I recognise it I just can't remember the name" he grunted."that's the sword of gryffindor that is!" Fenrir growled. And then all eyes turned to me and a snatcher approached me "so what's your name beautiful?" My skin crawled as grabbed my chin. I stayed silent."I said..what is your name" as he clamped a hand around my throat blocking of my airways my face slowly started to go purple and I made strange gurgling sounds until finally  he stopped and I gulped up great amounts of air.
"Penelope...Penelope Clearwater" I choked out."well see here the thing is I think your lying your two friends look strangely like Harry Potter and Ron Weasley and you look like that filthy little mud blood who's been running around with them"scabiour said drenching venom in every word. "So let me ask one more time what is your name my lovely?"I was sure that Ron and Harry had gotten far enough away by now and the snatchers would find out the truth one day or another."Hermione..Hermione Granger".Scabiour smiled well as far as a smile goes."we ain't taking this one to the ministry we're taking her to Malfoy manor for some questioning"Hermione could tell that there wouldn't be a lot of talking but more like a lot of screaming. And with that they apparated with a pop.

Hi! This is my first ever fanfic so go easy on
me,please leave any comments on any autocorrect failures and just what you think of the story in general :D

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