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3rd person POV
Hermione lay still on the ground her eyes wide and shaking slightly.
"I SAID WHERE.DID.YOU.GET.THIS.SWORD.FROM?!"She slowly ground out each word her wand getting closer and closer to Hermione's head. Without warning she was violently pulled up by her hair and dragged across the room. The witch climbed on top of her pinning her arms above her head and leaning towards her ear."we can do this the easy way or the hard way muddy". Her words stung flashbacks of Dracos taunts running through her head.

And then Bellatrix snapped.
Her screams filled the air pure utter agony and all she could do was twist and turn in grotesque ways her body desperately trying to get away from the pain. It was like she was being skinned alive and dipped in lemon juice while he bones were repeatedly being snapped and put back together while he head was being pounded with a sledgehammer and she was being thrown down slights of stairs all the while.

And then it stopped.

But the memory of the pain was etched deep into her Brain she would never forget it.
She was slapped back to reality(literally) as she smelt the foul stench of Bellatrixs breath in her face."now your going to tell me where potty and Weaslelbee have been hiding or i can ask Greyback over their if he wants to have a little play with you"she smiled wickedly as horror dawned over Hermione's face as to what she was implying.

Finding all the strength and bravery she could muster through clenched teeth she slowly said"like I'd tell you anything you crazy psychotic bitch".
A wave of pain hit her but it wasn't like before she could feel the pure rage and hatred rolling of her in wave,frantically her hands shot up clawing at her face and she heard as She let out a satisfying yell of pain before calling both narcissa and Draco over to hold her arms down while she 'dealt' with her.
Draco stood straight as did narcissa and slowly approached her. She was lay sprawled on the flaw a bruise forming on her face and neck and the addition of Bellatrix on top of her squeezing all the air out of her as if it was easier to breath if you wasn't on her.

Hello hello! I haven't updated in a while and my friend wanted me too so here it is I'm going straight onto another chapter.
The story is just flowing out of me atm so I will try and write as much as possible while I'm in this mood!
Thank you for reading if you have I appreciate it so much,have a great day everyone :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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