Malfoy Manor

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3rd person POV

Harry and Ron has searched for hours on end screaming Hermiones name hoping that she was just playing some sort of joke and would pop out at any minute but slowly the hope died out as they came across and piece of ripped clothing which they realised to be Hermiones . After about 5 hours of searching they gave up as exhaustion took its toll on the both of them so they set out for a place to put the tent. Harry put up the protective enchantments while Ron set up the tent. After about an hour of sitting in silence Harry spoke up "where do you think they've taken her?" Harry questioned "honestly mate I don't know maybe the ministry but I don't know, if they find out it's Hermione she'll probably be taken to Malfoy manor because everyone knows that it's the death eaters big secret hideout" and then something struck Harry "where's the sword of Gryffindor?"suddenly the two boys jumped up and frantically searched for the sword for about 30 minutes before realising that it must be with Hermione in her beaded bag. Both boys bid each other goodnight and got into bed but both of them knew that they wouldn't sleep that night over the fear for their best friend who had Been there for them through thick and thin.

Hermiones POV

I was dragged up the drive of Malfoy manor before having my face pressed up against the rusty gate from the corner of my eye I could see Bellatrix staring at me with pure hatred in her eyes and that's when I knew my day was going to get a lot worse. Slowly the gates creaked open and I was dragged inside. I was pulled through the many doors of the manor before finally getting to the what looked like a very grim living room. I surveyed my surrounding until my eyes met Draco Malfoy he stood there with a sneer on his face and then my head turned to the figure beside him it was his mother Narcissa I think and she just stood there her arm around Draco not making any eye contact with me at all and then there was Lucius who should have been locked up in Azkaban but what broken out only a few days later.He was the first to speak "how dare you bring this filth into my house!" He yelled at fenrir but fenrir stood his ground still holding me in his death grip. "I have brought this one as she goes by the name of Hermione Granger" recognition flashed across the families face. " so you mean to say that you brought me her but not Harry Potter?"Lucius growled."well you see this girl seemed more content on getting her friends to safety than getting herself to safety,so we figured we'd try and get some information out of her about Potter"fenrir replies with an icy tone."well I see then,BELLA GET IN HEAR I NEED YOU FOR SOMETHING!"Lucius shouted. It took about a minute before Bellatrix one of Voldemort's most loyal deatheaters prowled into the room she had an annoyed look on her face until she saw me still being held up by Greyback."well what are you waiting for I'm here let me get this over with so I can go back to torturing some mudbloods. "well actually Bella this one is a mudblood and she is believed to have been travelling with Harry Potter"Lucius sneered."well..well..well someone isn't going to have a nice day" Bellatrix smirked. But that smirk was Quickly wipes of her face as her eyes locked into something behind her."what is that?"she said some panic in her voice." I found it in her bag guess it's mine now"the snatcher shrugged. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a flash of red and then a thump. Bellatrix then screamed "GET OUT! GET OUT ALL OF YOU" so with that I was thrown onto the floor as Geyback scrambled to the door. And then Bellatrix turned to me and said "so missy where did you get this?!"as she brandished the sword in front of her...

Hi again! Let me know if you have enjoyed this part and please leave comments on things I could do. Hope you had a good day everyone!

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