The Daily Phone Calls

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Person who wrote the prompt - Maye Hoffman
Prompt used - "I became who I always said I would never be."

The Daily Phone Calls.

"I became who I always said I would never be." I couldn't understand her words, she's one of the best people I knew of. It actually is a very good reason for why I shouldn't talk to her.

"Who did you become?" I asked, curiosity creeping into my tone. Was she a different person this whole time?

"Someone who'd help strangers, without a second thought."

"What? Why is it bad? Those are some fine traits!"

"I didn't want to leave my family behind while I sacrificed myself by accident. And that is exactly what happened!"

"Well at least you're not in Hell." I replied

"You're probably right, thanks for the call Lucifer."

"No problem Helena."

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