Dangerous part II (MewGulf)

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Here comes part two... Hope you like it.

Gulf's POV

I wake up and find a gorgeus man laying next to me. I recall most of the previous night but not all of it. I definitely do remember what happened here tho.

Also I remember he made me think he does something not-so-legal for living and I'd definitely want to know what it is.

His phone starts ringing but he doesn't wake up. I check the caller's ID: Sis❤. So he has a sister.

It keeps ringing so I pick up. Before I manage to say hello the girl on the other side starts yelling at me:

"Mew! Where are you!? Why on earth didn't you come home? Did something happen? Why didn't you call and at least tell me you're not coming!?"

"Miss? Please calm yourself down." "Who the heck are you?" "My name is Gulf. But that's not important. All you need to know is that your brother is fine. At the time he's probably hungover. He's still sleeping. He'll call you back as soon as he wakes up."

"Why do you have his phone tho? Did you steal it? Did he get in trouble with his boss again?" I sigh. "Please, calm down. He isn't in any trouble. It's not my place to tell you what happened but I assure you he's perfectly fine."

I end the call before I could receive more of her yelling. I go shower and walk to the kitchen where I start making some breakfast. For both of us in case he isn't in a hurry.

Mew's POV

My head hurts like hell. I open my eyes and find myself in an unfamiliar room.

I reach for my phone and call my sister. She must have been worried sick. "Gulf?" "Gulf? It's me, Mew." "Oh, hi. Finally. Where were you?"

I explain I had a one night stand and she says she managed to figure that much out since a guy answered. After that I tell her I'll be home late cause I've got some business to attend to.

Gulf's POV

"I just had a one night stand..." Those words ring in my ears. I mean, I know we don't even know each other nor are we together but said out loud still makes me hurt.

"Oh! Sorry!" He stepped out of my room and crushed into me while I was leaning on the wall.

"Morning?" I say and he replies. I show him to the bathroom so he can shower and wait for him in the kitchen. It seems as he's about to leave so I try my luck:

"How's your head? Do you need some medication?" He nods. I get some water and a pill. "Wanna stay for breakfast or are you in a hurry?" "I could eat..."

He joins me and we eat in silence. Before I concentrate on doing the dishes he starts: "I know it's none of my business but yesterday it seemed as if you're doing something... how shall I say... illegal?"

"Well to me it seemd like you are too..." I don't want to give him a direct answer since I don't know him and he could go to thw police.

Mew's POV

This conversation isn't getting me any answers. He didn't deny doing something illegal so if I tell him he probably won't rat on me. Or will he?

"I don't think we're getting anywhere with this... How about we just say it at the same time and if it's worse than expected we just pretend we didn't hear it...?"

"That should do," he says and turns to me. He puts up three fingers and we count down at the same time without speaking (we look ridiculous).

"I sell weapons-"
"I sell drugs-"

"Wait, what?" We say at the same time and smile. That's it? That's actually nice. We start talking about our businesses and that reminds me it's time to go.

"I am so sorry, I have to go. I need to go get new stash..." "Okay. Can I get your number so I have a way of contacting you?" I nod and take his phone. He calls me so I save his number too.

I walk towards our meeting spot and think. No one night stand ever did I give away my number before. I'm pretty sure that wasn't just a one time thing...

Gulf's POV

After hearing him say it was a one night stand, I was surprised he actually gave me his number.

I text him couple of hours after he left inviting him over for the night and he actually says he'll come. Well I think I found myself a potential boyfriend😏.

A year later

Mew's boss got locked up and therefore he took over the business himself. He and Gulf now help each other by recommending each other to their customers.

Together they bought a huge villa where they live with Mew's sister who's still in college. They seem happy. They are in fact. All three of them.

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