Something (WinTeam)

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I'm sorry it took so long to update, I've been busy. Hope you like it.

Win was just finishing his photoshoot when somebody knocked on the door. It was a small private studio and no one ever knocked; people who were supposed to be here had the keys or knew the door wasn't locked, others never found their way here, therefore it was a surprise.

He gets to the door and opens it slowly, not knowing what to expect. "Can I help you?" Person standing outside doesn't respond, he just steps in and away from the door. He's shaking and breathing heavily. Win closes the door. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

He looks at the guy in front of him: he seems few years younger and a bit chubby. He looks like he had been crying for some time and his pale face doesn't help to make him look better. "Nong?"

His breath slows down a bit, so he can speak: "I am so sorry to bother you. I just needed to hide somewhere. Won't bother you for long. If I could just sit here by the door quietly and disappear in an hour or so?" He looks at Win with big, scared, begging eyes and he couldn't say no or explain he's planned to leave sooner than that.

"You can stay here. Just not by the door, come inside." He leads the stranger to his desk and points at his chair. "Sit here. The toilet is there," points his finger towards the only door in the room besides the one they came through.
"I just need to take a few more photos of the pretty lady here, then I'll come back to talk to you. Okay?" He just nodds so Win gets back to work.

Soon he's done and the girl leaves so they're left alone. "Now. Would you please tell me your name and what's going on? How you ended up in here?" The younger one scratches his head and very quietly says: "Are you sure you want to know?" Win nodds. "Okay then...

I'll spare you the details, but in general my name's Team and I'm currently homeless per say. I was behind a restaurant just now, checking if there is any leftover food that I could take from the bins when some guys showed up and started yelling at me. One of them threw an empty bottle towards me so I ran. Your door was the first I saw, and also I just had a feeling someone would open it..."

The story touched Win's heart. "Wait a minute," he said, cleaned the studio, found his wallet and put on a jacket. "Come on, let's go," they step outside, Win looks the door and sees Team is walking away. "Wait, where do you think you're going? I said let's go, means you're coming with me." "Where to?" "You'll see. Just follow me." After saying that, he's actually surprised to see Team actually following.

They stop in front of a ramen stall. "Let's eat. Order whatever you want. Okay?" "You want to buy me food?" "Yup. I would also like you to stay at my place, at least for tonight. If you don't mind?" "Not at all. I just really don't want to bother you..."

They eat before heading back to Win's place. He leaves in a small appartment, but the way it's decorated mesmerizes Team. All of the artworks on the walls, shelfs, cabinets..., everything's clean and right where it's supposed to be.

"Your place is so nice. Are you sure you want a stinky homeless guy like myself to stay here...?" Win looks at him almost angry: "Don't talk likr that about yourself. Here, through that door, there is a bathroom. There's a clean towel inside. Shower, than come find me in my bedroom (he shows towards another door) and I'll give you something to wear. Okay?" The younger one nods and does as instructed.

He comes to the bedroom wrapped in only a towel so he feels shy. Also it's not exactly easy to show his tiny body to a muscly guy such as Win. The latter notices that so he opens a closet and says: "Find something that will fit. You can take literally anything you want. I'll be in the living room." Then he leaves.

Team takes the smallest shirt and pants he could find, but they still look big on him. He almost carries his pants while he walks. Getting to Win, he laughs at his new friend. "Tomorrow we'll buy you some clothes, you can't wear that." Team shyly looks down and nodds.

They decide to watch TV before finally going to bed. Luckily it's Win's day off, so it doesn't matter it's already past 3 am.

Win walks to the bedroom and notices Team not following. "Come on. You're not sleeping on the couch if that's what you're planning on doing. My bed is big enough for the two of us. Don't even try to object, come."

It's about 6 am. when Win's woken up by Team's sudden scream. He notices Team is also sweating like crazy, kicking, turning around, fighting the air... It's obvious he's having a nightmare, but Win doesn't know how to help.

He's not sure if waking him up is a good idea, so he just holds his hands tightly to prevent him from hitting the bed frame or something. It doesn't seem to stop Team from moving so he decides to hug him.

Pressed against his body, Team slowly starts to calm down. When Win's about to let go, he feels hands on his lower back and realizes Team is now hugging him. Seeing it's calmed him down, he hugs him tighter and falls asleep.

They wake up around lunchtime, still hugging each other. "Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't know I still do that. Sorry..." Team starts to apologise and pull away, but Win doesn't let go. "You didn't know you do what? Have nightmares? Or hug strangers? Both I really wouldn't recommend for the future, since I hope you stay here for a long time, so I can help you sleep."

Team's confused. What he just heard wasn't exactly connected set of thoughts. Or understandable for that matter. Also, he's still hugging him which is weird.

"Do you want to know something?" Win asks. "Sure." "I think this could become something." Team blushes, hides his face in the other's shoulder and says nothing, not sure if he understood what Win meant.

Win abruptly lets him go and gets up. "Shit! I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have done that. I'm so sorry for attacking you like that." Now he's blushing and running away.

Team catches him right before he's about to lock himself in the bathroom. "I think this could be something too... I just wasn't sure if you really meant it..."

Win's face lights up. He hugs Team, picks him up and puts on top of a lower cabinet so it's easier for them to hug. Which is all they do for the next few minutes...

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