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“ no michael!  i am not taking him to a strip club!” chaise exclaims, laughing.

“its a legit thing, chaise” michael protests. “ so let me get this clear..” he starts “ do you like him?” he finished raising an eyebrow. 

“no” chaise was convinced her ‘no’ couldn’t convince a soul. 

“if you don’t, then why are you making such an effort to make it up to him” michael had a point. as always. chaise knew one thing and its that she could tell michael anything and michael knew just what to say. michael was never involved in all this love thing. he wasn’t interested in anything not even having sex. and it was chaise’s fault. she shouldn’t have introduced him to brianna. brianna was chaise’s partner  in her summer camp. and they grew close and that led to chaise introducing her to michael and they clicked. 

“ i felt bad i mean luke was such an ass to him. if luke wouldn’t apologise id be happy to apologise to him in behalf of  luke” chaise tries to say without leaving any trace of what she was feeling. 

michael grabs her wrists and looks her dead in the eyes. “ you know, if you like him. you can tell me. okay?” chaise couldn’t keep it in anymore. she closes her eyes and mutter “ i do “ and michael was totally taken  a back. 

“what?” was the only thing he could utter. 

“ i thought i could tell you anything” chaise frowns. 

“ you can, but i need to process. i mean i thought you were just joking and you were fvcking with me, but apparently you’re not,” he says pacing around chaise’s bedroom.  chaise was getting kind of anxious. 

“ why are you so against him? jesus christ” she tries to keep her voice calm and civilized. chaise sighs and stops michael from pacing and she finally got him to stop and look her dead in the eyes “ tell me “ she continued with pleading eyes

Michael puts his hand on her shoulders and started to speak. “ chaise, ashton and i” he pauses “ we used to be best friends” and i have a mental smile on "but after 7th grade summer… he was distant. i didn’t know what to think of him anymore. he didn’t acknowledge my presence and he stopped talking to everyone. he used to be a popular kid, c. everyone was all over him. all the girls in 7th grade wanted him.” michael stops. probably to help chaise process everything she heard.

“don’t stop, continue” chaise found herself interested in the story. in some possible way she found herself more attracted to ashton. he was that mysterious type of guy. 

“ theres nothing else to say, c” michael continues. 

chaise shakes off michael’s hands on her shoulder. she purses her lips and says. “and that as why I’m bringing him to a strip club” chaise smirks.

Michael was a bit flustered and lost. “wait, what?” michael’s eyes widen as chaise sheepishly smiles. 

chaise lands her hands on micahels shoulder and smile.

“well, you intrigued me with the ashton story and i want to find out more. and after i find out everything ill update you with it.” it sounded like chaise was just using him to exploit him or whatsoever but that wasn’t her intention. she wanted to get to know ashton because she truly was infatuated by him. and she might even like him. 

michael sighs as i fumble for my phone in my bed. i find it and call ashton.

“yeah, hi ashton. its chaise” she  smile even though she knew he couldn’t see her. 

“ yes. yeah i was wondering if you wanted to go to the strip club? … nah i don’t know micahel suggested it and he did say it was legit… no.. yeah its okay if you’d like to go somewhere else.. oh the strip club would be fine? okay sure. oh you’ll pick me up? okay okay. thanks ashton.” 

i look back at michael with a smirk. he gave me the “  what do i do now” face which he cutified  [its not a word but still]

“help me get a dress now” she smile and he couldn’t help but smile because he actually felt her genuine  happiness. 

after half an hour of looking for a dress and fixing my make up i was finally done and right on time a car honked. 

“ make sure to have fun and maybe suck some” Michael smiles as i punch him in the arm. 

i bid my goodbye and walked to the front door. i open the door and hear “ you look hot “ it was luke. 

“nope not now. not ever. bye.” and another car is thinking and its ashton. I’m relieved as i prance to his car. 

“shall we” ashton says.



yo homies. i updated. this looks like a pretty long chapter

and i am quite proud of myself. 

we got some chaise and Michael action.

anyway this is dedicated to angela bc she gave me some michael inspiration

thank you for that my lovely angie. ooh and oicture of cahise and ashton enetering the strip club.


okay maybe its not that long but still.

alizzle xoxo

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