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(Bold=Demons Normal=Angels, part of this story was written by gayphonecase)

He bit her lip when he pulled back. He smirked down at her, "thank you for answering my question."

Evangeline touched her mouth with her hand, confusion clear on her face, "Wh-what?"

"See you round, angel. You were very helpful," his eyes flashed a bright red before he turned away.

Evangeline started at his back. Her shaking had stopped, "what?" she said quietly, to herself.

Azazel appeared back in front of Immane, "Didn't touch your angel."

"What about the other one?" Her arms were crossed, her face in a scowl.

Azazel broke out into a smirk, "don't worry about her."

"God, Azazel," she growled, uncrossing her arms with a wince.

"What? I didn't kill her," he sounded only slightly offended. 

Immane shook her head, turning on her heel. She really didn't want to deal with him right now. She only wanted Sera, who she couldn't have

He followed her, "you don't really think so low of me do you?"

"You did try to kill me," she fumed, taking the turns down the hallways.

"I had orders Immane, you know how my father gets. I can't just disobey him, it was kill the stray angel and any accomplices," he explained walking behind her.

"Both orders you failed. Jack off," Immane snapped, walking faster.

"No need to remind me that I get killed for helping you get angels out of here. I failed my orders for you, stop being so fucking stubborn all the time," he growled and stopped following her. He very well could have killed Sera and Ev. Easily. Yet, he didn't.

"And why didn't you? You don't owe them anything," she spun on her heel to face him. Her skin was starting to blister.

"Because you're my family Immane. I didn't do it for no petty winged dicks." He turned and walked, heading to his room.

Immane crossed her arms, wincing again. She watched him go.

His posture was different than normal, he had that pace. The one where he's rushing off before he tells Immane something he did. That stance of, "I know something you don't."

She wanted to run after him, but instinct told her no. She barged into her own room, slamming the door behind herself.


It had been three months since she'd seen Immane, not even when she was down fighting had she seen her. Did she get punished for helping her? Did Lucifer kill her? She had to shake her head as she pulled her blade out of the corpse of a demon. She can't think like that, she will see her again. She needed to stay focused, people had said things unheard of had been happening to angels. Rumored to be Lucifer's doing, as he started getting more involved in the war, when she goes to her room for the night, she can think about Immane. She was cut off mid thought by screaming coming from the west quadrant, Ev was in that group. She ran off in that direction.

That demon hadn't left her mind for months. Her mind kept flicking back to the moment on the battlefield. Why didn't he kill her? Why did he kiss her? None of it makes sense. Besides, she was an angel. He was a demon. Although, Sera and Immane seemed to work- no! She wouldn't be tempted by the depths of hell.

A scream. Directly behind her.

She turned around.

The Devil. Lucifer. He was directly in front of her. Bella, another angel, lay dead at his feet. Her wings were bloodied and broken at angels that shouldn't of been possible. Her face was frozen in terror and pain. Just a moment ago, Bella had been talking to Evangeline. Now she was dead.

She didn't stand a chance. No one did.

But God will save them. Right?

Who was she kidding? Of course he wouldn't help. He hasn't changed a bit. He's made every single angel from heaven come down and fight for him. Their lives didn't mean anything.

Seraphine froze when she saw Lucifer, where was God, why was he letting this happen, though she already knew the answer.

"Ev! Ev-," she was pushing through people, looking for Evangeline, she had to be ok.

Evangeline jumped at the sound of her voice, "Sera?" she called, walking in the direction where her name came from.

Seraphine found her relatively quickly and sighed with relief, good, she was ok. Now how do they deal with Lucifer? Why is he even here? And why, why on Earth, was Azazel standing with him?

Evangeline had her eyes on Azazel. What was he doing? Was he going to kill her now? Was he going to kill other angels? She waited anxiously for one of them to move or speak.

"One of you angels, is going to bring me into heaven, all that have refused, well," Lucifer scanned the battle field of dead angels, "I'm sure you already know your fate. So, any volunteers?"

Azazel stared at Ev, now is not the time to be distracted but he couldn't help it. He tried to keep his face emotionless, but eventually small tells started to show. He didn't want to be doing this.

Evangeline clenched her jaw. He didn't have to do this. She quickly moved her gaze away from him and to Lucifer. She'd rather die than bring him to heaven.

"No one? Not one soul? I thought you were supposed to be benevolent creatures," his eyes fell on Evangeline, "how about you? Would you be so kind?"

The group of angels that were frozen suddenly moved very far away from Ev and Sera. They knew something was going to happen, and they didn't want to be part of it.

Ev's hands shook at her sides, "absolutely not."

"Well then." Lucifer glared her down, not happy with being denied yet again. He's a very impatient man, those around him knew that all too well.

Azazel saw her hands shaking, and his gaze went back to her face, could he even watch this? Could he allow this?

Evangeline grabbed the hem of her skirt, steadying her hands. She wasn't ready to die, but there was no other way. Ev didn't even realize the angels pulling away from her.

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