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Everyone in hell is always ready. They're not afraid of death. Wherever they go after they die, it can't be worse than the hell they've made. Immane walks through the hall of weapons. These were the only things in the world that could injure an angel. And she used them to kill. She grabbed her favorite blade. It was caked in a layer of blood. Immane walked up to her friend Azazel, "ready?"

"You bet I am," Azazel picked up a bow, he doesn't understand how he's good with it, he just is.

Immane quickly tossed her blade in the air, catching it skillfully. Showoff.

"Save it for on the battlefield you fucker," He teasingly ruffled her hair, he's basically adopted her as his little sister.

"You're just jealous," she put the blade in its sheath.

Azazel rolled his eyes before going over to the portals to Earth, also referred to as topside, only by him.

Immane walked with him, keeping her steps in line with his. Going through the portals was always disorienting, no matter how many times she's done it.

"Don't die up there," even for the devil's son, he can give some of the softest looks one could ever see in their lifetime, and that is exactly what he gave Immane.

Immane shifted under his gaze, "you either," she's always been uncomfortable with the thought of dying. She mostly chose to ignore it.

"Wouldn't dream of it, oh, and remember, any high up ranking angels, gold feathers, don't kill them, they can hold the information we need."

With that he stepped on a portal and was gone, goodbyes aren't something he does. It's always a see you later.

Immane had heard that "speech" everyday. She rolled her eyes before stepping on the portal, closing her eyes tightly, prepared for the wave of nausea. 

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