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entry #1track runners and trespassers

no one really liked confrontation, and (y/n) was no exception.

as she walked down the street, exhausted after her track meet, she saw a shady-looking figure in the distance, snooping around her neighbor and ex-friend kiyoko shimizu's house. the person had a fairly average build with average height, but she could tell it was a man. he wore his hood up and he was shouting.

now, although her and kiyoko weren't on speaking terms at the moment, (y/n) was not going to allow her neighbor to be murdered, so she did what any other person would do: hid and called her mom.

"(y/n)? how was the meeting?" her mom asks, referring to the track meet after school.

"mom, there's a shady-looking man outside kiyoko's house. what do i do?" (y/n) asks immediately, ignoring her mom's question and cutting to the chase.

"are you sure it isn't just her boyfriend, sweetie?" her mom asks, and (y/n) glances in the direction of the boy, who was shouting things. could it be her boyfriend? but why wouldn't she let him inside?

"h-her boyfriend? no way, she doesn't do boyfriends." all throughout middle and high school, kiyoko shimizu has had multiple confessions but not a single crush. they haven't talked for around a year, but has she found someone she liked since then? (y/n) found it hard to believe.

"she's graduating high school soon. it's about that age that girls would start..."

"no–i–mom, he's shouting," (y/n) says, trying to express to her mother just how serious this was. she looks at her watch on her wrist, seeing the time was nearly 8 pm. the sun was down, and she was positive that the rest of the neighborhood did not want to hear this man any longer. she thought of the family across the street with little children who must be settling down for bed soon.

"what is he saying?"

"i can't hear, but he sounds angry." she hid back behind the bush in her front yard, hoping he didn't notice her presence. he seemed distracted enough, though.

"okay... call kiyoko. " (y/n) sucks in a breath. she didn't want it to come to that, if she was being honest.

"mom... mom, you know i can't.."

her mom is silent for a moment. she sighs at how dramatic her daughter is being. "then call the cops."

"th-the cops!?" she didn't want to do that either. "i-is that really necessary?"

"(y/n), unless you want to confront him, which if he is as shady as you're describing, i would advise against... then you have to call one of the two."

she knew her mom was right. but she didn't want to do any of the 3 choices.

"or you could go inside and pretend you saw nothing..." her mom said, slightly guilting her. "but who knows what would happen then."

"okay, okay," (y/n) groaned putting her free hand on her temple. "i'll go talk to him."

"(y/n), that's not what i meant–"

"i don't want to talk to the cops or shimizu. if i die, i die."

"(y/n)." her mom's voice held a scolding tone.

"i'm kidding! i'm kidding," (y/n) said, forcing a laugh to calm the tense air. "i'm joking, mom."

her mom sighed. "i've got to get back to work, so i'll call you when i'm on my way home. call kiyoko."

"fine... love you."

"i love you, baby. bye."


(y/n) ended the call and slowly lifted her head to be above the bush she was hiding behind. the guy was no longer screaming, but he was still standing there, quiet. maybe he realized that kiyoko wasn't home. maybe he was giving up. maybe (y/n) didn't have to make a call at all.

car lights brightened the street that (y/n) and kiyoko lived on, and she immediately recognized the car as mrs. shimizu's—kiyoko's mother. the man with the hood must have recognized it as well, which is why he stopped screaming, and immediately ran to the corner of the house, out of the car's—and the shimizu's— sight.

he was just screaming at an empty house. why was he hiding now? (y/n) found it shady. why was he hiding when he came there to see them?

the man peered from behind the large tree he hid behind. he reached into his pocket, pulling out something that seemed small. he took a deep breath, and all (y/n) could think was that looks so much like a gun. oh my god, kiyoko is going to be murdered.

mrs. shimizu had already headed inside the house, along with mr. shimizu. kiyoko stayed behind, grabbing her backpack from the back seat where she was sitting. the man slowly walked away from his hiding spot, and (y/n) did from hers as well. she was terrified, but the thought of kiyoko being hurt was even scarier. so she ran.

"KIYOKO SHIMIZU!" he screamed, holding the flowers out in front of him, and bowing so far low that his body made a 90 degree angle. "WILL YOU PLEASE—!" his breath was knocked out of his lungs when (y/n) charged directly onto his bent back, pushing him over and toppling onto the green grass. the poor boy who was confessing his feelings was forced into being (y/n)'s cushion to the fall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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