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Joe pretended to pay attention to her monotone speaking biology teacher. When in actuality she was staring out of the three giant windows lined up to each other on the left side of the class. She stared at the sun mesmerized by it, by this time she's been staring at it too long she should be blind, but that's the thing no matter how many times she does it it doesn't affect her. If anything she feels more energized from it, then she hears her rat faced teacher mrs.cunnings seek her attention. Joe turns looking as if she had better things to do (which in fact she did biology is so boring and basic). Mrs.cunnings then repeated the question "if we were able to change our hair color with our minds how would we do it would we just think of a color and let that be that?" Joe sighed answering "if we were able to change our hair color with our minds it would have to be through a recessive trait y'know a trait or gene that we already had,but wasn't strong enough to be dominant,so no we wouldn't just think of a color.

(Hey just because it's boring doesn't mean she was bad at it. )

Mrs.cunnings gave her a curt nod as if saying "you may have won this time but it means nothing" and turned back to the rest of the class. Then the inevitable happened, someone started tapping their pen against the dark metal tables. Which only made it echo even more in joes' over sensitive ears. She hated the noise, and turned back to see who was doing it her eyes suddenly zeroed in on Dirk the Jerk. A very fitting name if you ask her seeing as how it rhymed and he's been bullying her since pre-k.

She turned back around trying to tune it out. Only it seemed to get louder she turned again to see Dirks girlfriend Lindsay smirk at her, and tap her pencil. Joe took a deep breath pushing back her dark brown curly bangs. She then sat up and turned around still sitting on her desk then saying " dickhead and ass wipe would you ever so kindly" she pauses and speaks through gritted teeth " stop tapping your pen and pencils" Lindsay stops and gasps " mrs.teacher joe just like totally called me an indecent word" mrs.cunnings turns around and grimaces, joe could already tell what was coming "joe get your things and go to the office now!"

Joe laughed stepping down grabbing her books with her halfway to the door she said muttered "finally" and walked into the cool, quiet, fluorescent lighted hallways to the A.P.s office. she knocked passing a row of wanna be thugs and personality less people. Straight into mr.wahlbergs office plunking herself down into the chair in front of his desk. He turned to her and sighed "joe...your head cheerleader, a straight A student, and the best runner this school has, why do insist on making my office your favorite class?".

Joe smirked "ah come on mr.bergs I know I'm your favorite student too you love me!, plus it wasn't my fault this time" she said in an obvious tone. Mr.wahlberg tilted his head " oh then who's was it?" Joe scooted up in her seat and clasped her hands together " bitch face and his dog Lindsay" wahlberg sat back in his chair rubbing the brim of his nose "look I get it dirk and Lindsay are..." He looked around as if searching for the right words to say "assholes okay I get it but doing this" he gestures to all around him "is doing nothing for you you're making them feel like they won instead of the other way around you gotta stop it Joe". she shook out her curly hair pondering this over before long she sat up sighing "fine mr.bergs I'll try my best to be a good girl and stay out of your office, but it's so hard to stay away from my best friend" she fake pouted.

Mr.Wahlberg laughed "yeah right mhm okay why can't you be normal, and hate me like the rest of the school?". On her way out she turned and said "because your actually a pretty cool dude mr.bergs" with that she left out of his office , but not before hearing one of the office assistants say something about three new students. Back in the hallway Joe couldn't do anything but wish them the best of luck at this hell hole.

A/N so I hope you guys like it so far I know nothing exciting has happened, but you have to keep reading!!! Plus I made this to give you little incite to joes' life before I add the three new characters *wink* *wink* ladies...
*goes back into dark corner* ;)


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