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The day of our album release. Both sister IU and I will have a V Live and the premiere.

"You ready?" Mr. Joe asked. I nodded.

"Okay, so let's go now. IU is waiting," he said, so we went there.

Me and sister IU are standing right now, ready for the V Live, and it will be on YouTube. The V Live started.

"Hello UAENA, this is IU," she started.

"Hello ML, I'm JM," I said and waved.

"I hope you guys will love our music video collaboration, Love Century," she said.

"Mmm... this is for the people who love someone for a century, and we hope you guys support our music video collaboration," I said.

"He's right. We did our best for our fans. And the theme will be romantic. You can sing along, and you will feel the feelings when you hear our song," she said and pointed a bang as she winked.

So we entertained our fans by asking questions as we answered them carefully.

"We love you. We love you. We love you. We love you. Uaena and ML!" we said in Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and English. I taught her how to say 'WE LOVE YOU' in Chinese.

"The time is near, so there will be a timer next, and our music video will be released," IU said.

"Bye!" we both said as the countdown started.












The music video started exactly at 8:00 a.m.

"You both get ready, and you two will go to a show to promote your song," our manager said. So we did. We went to the M Countdown to perform and then to another show. Tomorrow will be the other music shows. So that means we are a lot busier. We are here now at the M Countdown. Makeup and clothes are done.

"Get ready in 5 minutes.", the staff said to us. We got the microphones and got ready.

"You ready?", she asked. '

"Always ready," I said and exercised my voice. "There will be no autotune, so ahem, ahem," she said and coughed jokingly. I giggled.

"I bet you're not nervous. You've been doing this for a long time. I'm worried for myself though. I'm not yet used to this," I said.

"No way! When you performed at the MAMA, you weren't even nervous. You're a professional,' she said. I smiled shyly.

"Thanks, sen- I mean sister Jieun! I just learned from the advisor, that's why," I spoke. Then it was our turn.

So what we did is that we went to the stage as fans were cheering. I smiled at them while fixing my clothes and hair. I'm still nervous though, but I took a deep breath.

'3! 2! 1!' That's the cue to start. IU started it while I did some vocals as a background. In a minute, I sang. The fans cheered while there was fog coming out. When I finished singing my part, sister IU did a high note, and just a second later, I followed her. Confetti blew, and the cheers got loud while I was on a high note, she started to sing as my vocals started to vanish. I stopped and softly sang with her, and then it finished. As we finished, the fans screamed in cheer.

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