22. Christmas day (Part two)

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22. Christmas Day (Part two)

"Alex," I exhaled in a whisper.

I broke out of my shocked state as Kol shouted, "Who's at the door?"

"It's uh-," I stuttered.

Kol strode through the hall and stood behind Elijah and I.

"What's he doing here? Tori doesn't want you here, now piss off!" Kol growled.

"I think it's Victoria's decision on whether or not she invites me in and let's me explain," Alex calmly said.

"You want to explain yourself? Fine, we will talk later at the Christmas ball, I want to spend time with my family right now," I said.

He nods before walking down the drive and onto the street. I watched his back until he was out of site, trying to process what had just happened.

"You're not seriously going to meet with him are you?" Kol asked as I shut the front door.

"I need to. I need to know why he did what he did and he has answers to more of my questions," I said, frowning.

"Victoria is right Kol, if Alexander was going to hurt her he would have, I think he honestly does want to apologise," Elijah stated.

"Am I the only sane person here?" Kol asked sarcastically.

Elijah and I shared a look, ignored Kol and walked back into the living room. Kol followed us, cursing under his breath.


I flattened down my long red silk dress, which had a slit up the left thigh and thin straps at the top.

"Are you nervous?" Rebekah asked, as she walked in the room.

"A little," I replied.

Nervous was an understatement. I was full on hyperventilating on the inside. I was finally going to talk to a man I had been running from for over five hundred years. The same man who had turned me into a vampire and did God knows what to my family.

"It's understandable, after everything he's put you through," she said after a while.

"We should go," I said quickly, trying not to think about the possibilities of what could happen.


We arrived at the village hall, which had been decorated with reds and whites and had tinsel hanging from the ceiling. A chocolate fountain sat on a table at the side of the hall and an ice sculpture of a reindeer on the other. Mistletoe hung from every doorframe. Tables were scattered at one end and a "dance floor" was laid at the other.

I spotted Alex immediately, he wore black trousers and a white shirt with the sleeves up.

I walked over to him and he guided me to a small room at the side of the hall.

"Sit," he said, gesturing to a table surrounded by chairs.

"First of all, I'm really sorry, for everything bad I've ever done to you. You didn't deserve it and if I could start over, believe me I would. I didn't mean to turn you."

"You expect me to believe that?" I asked, rather loudly.

"Listen, I was so angry, seeing red, I had no control over myself whatsoever, and then you ran away, it made things worse," he sighed.

"This isn't my fault! We were to be married and then I found out you were a vampire, I was terrified," I whispered the last part.

"I'm not blaming you, it was the wrong time, you had every right to be scared."

We sat in silence for a few minutes before I broke it by asking, "What did you do to my parents?"

"They left after they found out you had runaway, they went looking for you, but couldn't find you," He had sympathy in his eyes.

I choked back a sob. I had caused them pain, misery and suffering.

I'm one big disappointment.

"C-can you forgive me?" He asked, almost in tears.

"Yes," I mumbled as I reached out and hugged him, "Thank you for telling me."

He nodded and we pulled away.

"I guess we should get back out there before Klaus comes in and rips my head off, " He chuckled and I smiled.


"Would you care to dance?" I asked Kol, as he sat eyes glued to his phone as he played candy crush.

No your not going crazy right. I'm asking Kol, not the other way round.

He had been sat down since we had arrived and I thought it would be a nice idea.

He looked up and smiled at me, "Sure. Let me just get something."

Kol came back moments later and put both his hands on my waist and I put mine around his neck.

We swayed along to Stay another day by East 17, since it's supposedly a Christmas song.

It's only a Christmas song because the video has snow in it.

Kol leaned down and put his forehead against mine.

"I feel happy," He whispered.


He nodded, "But do you know what would make me happier?"

"What?" I asked, confused.

He moved his hand and held it above our heads. I looked up and opened my mouth to protest when I saw him holding some mistletoe.

"It's Christmas," he pouted.

Instead of replying I leaned up and pressed my mouth to his. His mouth was warm and it honestly felt good. Like "I could do this forever" sort of good.

One of my hands held the nape of his neck while the other was flat against his chest. He had his arms wrapped around me.

I felt......at peace.

Boom! Kori moment! Long chapter because you guys deserved it since I've been gone for ages. Thank you so much for your support, I love you guys!

In case your interested in my life, I have dyed my hair blue! Yes blue! I love it so much haha lol <3

- Kelly x

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