21. Christmas day (Part one)

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A/N Before i start, I just want to thank you for all your support, if it wasn't for you guys, I probably would not have carried on writing and its something I love, so I really appreciate it :D

21. Christmas Day (Part one)

Turns out the Mikaelson family have their own house in almost every country. The whole week we decorated the house in lights and tinsel and put a tree up in the living room.

This house wasn't mansion sized, it was cosy and small, unlike the one in Mystic falls.

We had planned a secret santa, so Elijah wrote our names on slips of paper, folded them and put them into a hat. We each pulled one out.

I had gotten Finn.

I knew exactly what to get him.


I woke up extra early on Christmas day, so early that no one else was awake yet.

An idea popped into my head. I grabbed a permanent marker from a draw in my room and tip toed into Kols room and crept towards him.

I stood right next to his bed and just stared at him.

He looked so peaceful, vulnerable and sort of cute.

My thoughts were interrupted by a voice which murmured, "Are you done staring?"

I almost squealed as an arm hooked around my waist and flipped me onto Kols bed, where I was embraced by warmth.

I opened my eyes, which I didn't realise were closed and stared into Kols dark brown ones.

He looked amused as he saw what I was holding,"Were you seriously going to draw on my flawless face with a permanent marker?"

"Yeah I was," I replied, in a fake miserable tone,"How did you hear me, I was practically a ninja?"

"I heard your heart beating wildly for me." He smirked.

I hit his chest before getting up and going to my own room and playing Jingle bells, super loud, to wake everyone up. I might have woken the neighbours aswell.

We all went downstairs to open our presents.

"Rebekah you go first." Klaus said.

Rebekah tore into her present and held it up to show everyone.

She had gotten a huge makeup set from Finn.

Rebekah had given Klaus an engraved necklace with his name on. He had put it on straight away.

Kol opened his present from caroline and held it up.

"Fluffy handcuffs and whipped cream?" he asked, confused.

"For when you and Tori finally admit that you're attracted to each other. " Caroline replied.

Everyone chuckled while I flushed red and looked over at Kol, who had wide eyes and pink cheeks.

"Okay, next present. Elijah what did you get?" Rebekah asked, changing subjects.

Remind me to thank her.

Elijah had gotten Black jeans, a red plaid shirt and Black vans from Kol.

"It might make you want to wear normal clothes instead of suits all the time." Kol said.

Elijah just rolled his eyes, smiled and gave me my present.

Elijah had given me The Vamps Christmas edition album.

"Finn, what did you get?" I asked, innocently.

He opened his present and held it up.

I had given him soundproof ear plugs and written a note explaining why.

Finn read it out.

Dear party pooper,

Since you dont like listening to me playing the xbox, or my music loudly, I got you these amazingly bright, luminous pink, soundproof ear plugs, for when you start complaining.

Merry Christmas,

xoxo Victoria

P.s Next time you take away my games, I will decapitate your head from your shoulders :)

Everyone laughed and exchanged hugs and thank yous before Klaus started talking.

"This might come as a shock to a lot of you," He started.

"Bloody unlikely. " I muttered, knowing what he was going to do.

He glared at me before continuing, "Its pretty obvious now, that I got Caroline for Secret Santa," He got down on one knee and looked up at her, "Caroline, Will you marry me? Wait before you answer, I need to get this out. I love you Caroline. And I promise to love you for eternity. And beyond that. A life without you wouldn't be worth living and I need you to know that I will be here for you, through everything, no matter what. I know its a giant leap forward, but maybe thats what we need, to leave the past behind us,"

He took in an uneven breath, "So what do you say love, do you want to become my wife?"

He never broke eye contact and im pretty sure that if Rebekah wasn't holding Caroline up, she'd be a melted puddle on the floor.

She looked like she couldn't get any words out, and the room was so silent that you could of heard a pin drop.

Caroline drew in a breath and leaned down to Klaus' height.

"Yes." she said simply, before smiling wide and wrapping her arms around him. Klaus wrapped her in his arms tightly, while looking as if he was about to cry.

We all cheered and Finn popped open a champagne bottle.

Through all the noise there was a loud knock at the door.

Elijah and I went to answer it, confused looks on our faces. I pulled open the door and stood shocked for a minute. I held my breath.

"Are you going to invite me in?"

"Alex?" I exhaled in a whisper.

Dun Dun Dun! Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!

Cliffhangers suck.

I know this whole chapter was mostly Klaroline, but I just couldnt resist. Thank you to @the_mikaelson_family for giving me a ship name for Kol and Tori. KORI! Its got a certain ring to it, dont you think?

Also, check out my Carenzo one shot, if you want, you can find it on my profile, feedback is really appreciated :)

Anyway, next update might be in a few days, if not, it will be next year. Haha, seems like a very long time ;)

Have a lovely Christmas!

- Kelly x

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