26. Dead like me

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26. Dead like me.

"Tori, open the door before I knock it down!" Rebekah shouted, banging her fist against the wood.

"I won't be paying for it," I mumbled under my breath.

"Come on, it's been three days."

Three days.

That's how long I had been laying in bed feeling sorry for myself and cursing the world, not that it listened or answered back. I wish it had, it would have given me something else to think about.

I had barely fed, I hadn't showered and I definitely hadn't talked to anyone.

I had watched the TV show Dead like me on Netflix. I finished both seasons and the film Dead like me: Life after death.

Oh, the irony.

But I'm no Grim reaper, I'm a vampire. A vampire who's emotions were all over the place.

"Tori?" Rebekah sighed, "His humanity was off, he didn't mean anything he said. He didn't care and that's the reason we have to fight and get him to switch it back on. Now take a shower, dress like you're about to walk the red carpet, put on your battle armour, aka makeup, and some killer high heels and get your arse downstairs so we can brainstorm together."

I heard her turn and walk down the stairs, leaving me with my thoughts.


When I rolled out of bed ten minutes later and caught sight of myself in the mirror on the wall, I shrieked in horror.

I'd never seen my hair so messy. It looked like i had been dragged through a hedge Backwards.

With my new found horror I went into the bathroom and attempted to fix it with a brush, before leaping into the shower and doing my business.

When I emerged, dressed in jeans and a tank top and with recently straightened hair, twenty minutes later, I almost jumped when I saw none other than Damon Salvatore sprawled across my bed.

Reading Harry Potter and the half blood prince.

I raised my eyebrows at him before walking over to my wardrobe and selecting one of my black leather jackets and some plain black high heels.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, sitting down on the end of my bed.

"Good morning Damon, how lovely of you drop by and try to comfort me as I wallow in my misery," Damon replied sarcastically.

"Don't mock me."

"We haven't spoken in a while and I'm just being a good friend. I was at the Grill that night and I heard everything," He said guilty.

I looked down at my hands.

"You know what you've gotta do, you've got t-,"

"Don't bother lecturing me, Rebekah already did that this morning," I cut him off.

"Ah, remind me to thank Barbie Klaus."

I laughed, "I've missed you."

"Now don't go getting soppy on me."

"I'm not," I said, while rolling my eye.

"I missed you too Tori," He said after a while.

"How are you and Elena?" I asked.

"We're good, she doesn't have to worry about Katherine pretending to be her anymore so she's a lot happier."

"That's good, it must be a nightmare having a doppelgänger."

He nodded in agreement.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, when it was clear I wasn't going to speak again.

"Better than I have been in the last few days," I replied confidently.

"Good, now let's go downstairs, grab a bite to eat, pun intended, and sort this mess out."

A/N I know this isn't a lot and it's been a while but I will, hopefully, update later today (It's like 20 minutes passed midnight so it is today).

I love the show Dead like me, it's hilarious. Also I finished reading the Harry Potter books and I can officially say J.K.Rowling owns my soul.

- Kelly x

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