4. Grounded and Drunk

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Since Klaus had me under house arrest, I was bored out of my mind. Leaving me with only one option; play Grand Theft Auto five on the Xbox 360.

Now, I'm not a gamer, but I do love playing GTA. I had the volume up at a deafening level, not concentrating on anything else around me. Just as I was part of a rather intense police chase, without warning, the screen went black.

"Ah," I cried, looking around for an indication of why my gaming session had been cut short.

My eyes landed on Finn Mikaelson, AKA, the oldest originals sibling. He had the television plug in his hand and was looking at me smugly.

"What'd you do that for?" I whined, in a girly teenager sort of way. I was aggravated that my game had been cut short, especially since there was not a lot to do in the Mikaelson mansion.

"I warned you to turn the volume down three times already. I said I would turn it off if you didn't, so here I am," He replied, clearly annoyed with me.


"Just let her play the game Finn," I heard a voice say behind me.

I turned my head to see Kol slouched on the sofa with a beer can in his hand, smirking at me. I glanced back at Finn to see him putting the Disc into its box and walking off with it.

"Well there goes my plan to play my favourite game for the entire day. Quite literally," I said under my breath. "Is he always like that, broody, mean and like he's just had his heartbroken and needs to make sure no one else has fun?"

"Yes. You should've seen him back when we were human, he was surprisingly worse," Kol replied, taking a sip of beer.

I stood up from my position on the floor and sat on the sofa next to the youngest brother from the Mikaelson family.

"How do you like that stuff?" I asked him, referring to the beer in his hand.

"It's a man thing," He answered.

"Sexist much," I said, scowling.

He chuckled before saying, "Plus I've been in a coffin for one hundred years. Anything alcoholic tastes good."

"Yeah sucks to be you," I paused. "Can I ask you something?"


"You just forgave Klaus so easily for daggering you and putting you in a coffin. I want to know why," I inquire, curiously.

"I deserved it, and it could have been worse. Finn's been in his coffin for like nine hundred years." he replied.

I nodded processing his words.

"So seeing as I won't be leaving this house for a while, where is the alcohol kept?" I smirked.

"Under the stairs," He said under his breath, so his siblings didn't hear.


A few tequilas and a bottle of whiskey later, Kol and I were jumping up and down on one of the Sofas singing, out of tune, Baby by Justin Bieber. Although, we couldn't hear our voices over the loud stereo playing the song.

Alcohol always made me act wild, but usually I could handle it a lot better. Also, I didn't drink that often, so when I did, I went a little overboard.

Klaus walked in and switched off the stereo, causing me to stop and glare at him.

"What is with you guys?" I slurred, unhappily.

"Kol? I told you to keep an eye on her, not get drunk with her!" Klaus shouted at his brother.

I struggled to piece together the words coming out his mouth and after a moment, gave up and tried stomping towards the stairs. Instead I landed face first into the wall at the bottom of said stairs, banging my nose in the process.

I heard Kol snort behind me, no doubt finding the situation funny.

I groaned in embarrassment but hauled my body up the stairs to bed. Good job we're vampires, I knew I'd be all better the next day like nothing happened.

Being a vampire meant alcohol wore off quicker than what it does for humans, so eventually, the buzz wore off and I was stuck with my thoughts. I needed to get along with the Mikaelson's so they didn't kick me out for being a bad guest. I needed to try, even if it meant letting them in.

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