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I hear a knock. I was already wake - just way too tired and sick to get up and do stuff around my room. "Come in." My voice still sounded hoarse. I needed water. I feel my room handle door shaking, clearly locked from the inside. I grab my cup of water and wheel over to the door. The second I unlock it, it flies open and my mother stormed in - flames in her eyes. I wheel back over to the bed and set the cup down on my bedside table. I try to drown out the noise and chaos that my mom was making and that was happening outside in the hallway, but soon it got unbearable and I reached for the glass of water I was holding before - this time taking a sip. She was muttering something under her breath so I could tell she was angrier than ever. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her fists were clenched. I opened my mouth to ask what was happening but instead, I saw Miracle run in holding Dad's hand. They were probably fixing the mess that my mom had made out in the hallways, my mom can really do some damage when she is angry and that is why they were so far behind my mom. My dad wasn't the type to cry, so I wasn't surprised. I wasn't mad either. Dad probably hadn't come to see me because he has a big interview is coming up. My dad - Thomas Nguyen, is infamous. He is known in almost all parts of Chicago because of his big drug bust. The police arrested him on his way home from work as a bank teller. My dad wasn't apart of that bust - the real culprit got away. I know it, Mr. Llante knows it, police know it now. Just 8 years too late. Mr. Llante was my dad's old boss and he was one of the only people that really know where my dad was that night. He was too scared to stand up for him because he didn't want his name dragged through the mud. I could see my dad for 8 years just because of Mr. Llante. Going over these facts in my head just made me even angrier at my dad more than anyone. My dad thought his life was over when he was convicted. He always thought that the judge wouldn't vote in his favor - no matter how hard he tried. So he spent his days, roaming around town, saying goodbye to people, spending our families money on stupid stuff, and living his best life before he was locked up for whose knows how long. He didn't even try and that's what makes me angry. Miracle rushed up to me and hugged me tightly. Her foot pushed against my rolling bed and pushed me farther away from her. Because of the previous thoughts, when Miracle hugged me, she immediately jumped back. "Ow, ow, ow! You scratched me!" She shows me where my nails dug into her skin and I just kiss her on the forehead as an apology. Miracle was one of my best friends. Of course, she could be annoying but most of the time she can be very quiet. She looked fine but it looked like she hadn't slept in a few days. My mom had done her hair in a bun and she looked very mature. I patted her hair as she swatted her hands away. My mom was in one corner stuffing a red duffle bag that I have never seen before. She grabbed the clothes and started to clear the desk facing the window, slowing making her way around the room. The clothes that I had worn yesterday still lye on the ground. My dad picks them up and throw them towards my mom. She catchs them and scowls at him. They must have been arguing a lot lately. I wonder how eight-year-old Miracle took that. My mom stuuffs the clothes that my dad had thrown to her into the bag and continued on her ramage. What was happening? Some doctors started to come in to see the scene, but after a little bit, they all left, grumbling under their breath.

"Mom, what's going on?" I finally let go of Miracle and she ran back to Dad. "You shouldn't even be in this hospital," she exclaimed pausing to flip her hair out of the way of her work. I hope she realizes that most of the stuff she is packing doesn't even belong to us.

"Dad?" I croaked. My voice falters and I sound sicker than ever. I need answers. He walks up to my bed and spoke. "Chimamanda, we don't have enough money to stay in this hospital. We can't afford your care. Usually, they would let us stay but, so many people are occupying the hospital because of coronavirus. We got to go. We're taking you back home," He finally finished. I bet he could see my face fall. All I could do was nod. We were never rich but I thought we had more money than we do. Nurse Tanor came into take the wheelchair and after a few minutes and a heated agrument with my mom about who should keep it - we were gone. I look back at the teens' and children's room as we are walking to the elevator on the second floor and sigh. My mom came to this level to pick up my papers and I sit awkwardly in the corner. I hide my face from anyone who is coming by so they don't see my nametag. My mom is shouting at the front desk worker and I hope nobody realizes that we are related. When we get out of the elevator, I see Nurse Tanor rushing to another patients' room. I see River running behind him. When he sees me with my parents, he realizes whats going on. He frowns and waves. I wave back and Miracle salutes him. Since when were they friends? We walk out of the hospital and my dad set me down on the bench and my mom goes and gets the car. When she pulls up, I hobble to the car and sits on the nearest seat there. My mom speeds away and I look back at the hospital. I can see people crowding at the entrance and there are all fighting to get in. 

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